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c-i'm colby
?-cool name it fits you
c-thanks what's urs
c-that's a sick name does it have meaning
e-yeah it means gorgeous or sum shit like that it's lame
c-nah i fw it
jus then one of the guards comes over
g-colby come with me
c-uh okay
while i'm walking i keep thinking of elvira
she's short thick but not fat
long black and red hair split dye
i'm surprised they let her dye it
she was wearing a black hoodie with some leggings with fluffy socks
she's so beautiful her name fits her
c-okay what the fuck do you want
g-whoa it's only ur first day here i jus have advice for you
c-okay spit it out
g-maybe u should stay away from elvira she's dangerous
g-do u not realize ur in the intensive care unit for the ones who are dangerous he'll ur in here for mur-
c-we aren talking abt me keep ur mouth shut wtf is she in her for how is she so bad
this girl probably is in here for some dumb shit tbh i've noticed everyone quivers around her
g-i can't share fully why but i can say she's much like u colby she's a pathological liar but there's more she lashes out and won't stop at nothing to hurt the person she's angry with she's very manipulative and has depressive episodes much like u
c-that's actuall more than i thought but i'm not scared of her i don't know why but i'm not
g-just be careful
i walk back to the couch and sit by elvira
now i get why everyone's scared of her
e-oh hey let me guess they wanted to "warn you"
c-yeah basically but idc i'm not scared of you so why are u in here
e-come with me
she slowly walks me into her room
c-i thought guys and girls can't be together
e-colby they are scared of me
c-well true so what happened
e-well i've been in here for abt a month cause i walked in on my gf fucking my brother so yk that's swag idrk what happened after that i blacked out and woke up in here they said i injuries my brother badly but they would never tell me what happened to my ex they labeled me as a pathological liar and i apparently have depression and i'm manipulative and have black outs and the put me on so many meds.
wow she seems to have been through sm jus by her face but i can tell she's lying abt some of it
she's just not ready i guess
e-sorry what happened to u tho
c-i walked in on my friend jake hitting his gf and i went off and lashed out and like u said i blacked out and woke up here this morning
they said i killed jake and they said i'm a pathological liar that i have bipolar and depression and that i have black outs
e-oh maybe i should tell u then
c-are u okay
e-uh yeah they said i killed my gf too.
c-we are alike the guard was right
e-yea ig so
c-i see why everyone's scared of you
with that she slams me up against the wall looking like she wants to kill me
but she pushes me aside and punches the wall
c-elvira i'm not scared of you
she gets close to my face
e-good maybe now they will me scared of both of us
jus then a guard walks in
g-colby can't be in here elvira
she stands up
e-bob i think maybe u should walk away rn unless u wanna end up like nurse lee
the guard nods his head and walks out

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