A special blueberry muffin

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Rose's POV:

"Everything happens for a reason darling, we mustn't try to stop it," she paused trying to keep her breathing even, as she continued to cough up blood. "Don't try to bring back the dead sweat heart, it's the only way we can keep the balance." She continued. "It's only a matter of time, it's always been. I may not have had enough time to solve it, but you sweat heart will make me so proud, and I'll continue to protect you and watch over you with everything I have." She cracked a smile, I weakly smiled back. I held back everything, I couldn't let my mothers last memories be of me crying. I squeezed my mothers hand tight, the pain was too much. "Darling, crying doesn't make you weak‚— it makes you stronger." She smiled, as she brought her trembling hand to wipe away the falling tear from my cheek. "I love you Rosy." She breathed out one last time, as she squeezed my hand. "No-no mum." I croaked. The pain left internal scars.

I coughed aggressively, catching my breath. My breathing hitched, as I felt my wet cheek. Well that was a great way to start my day, a haunting memory ruining my 11th birthday, I thought. I struggled to sit myself up on my worn down mattress. I stared out into the depths of the gigantic room, looking to my left then right, only few children were still sleeping. "Happy Birthday Rose!" Olivia exclaimed. I jumped, as I turned around. Guess I forgot to look behind myself. "Shhhh, you're going to wake the other children." I giggled as I cupped her mouth.

"Well it's not everyday your best friend is turning 11, it's once in a life time!" Her muffled voice said. I took my hand off her mouth now that she quieted down.

My giggle faded as I remembered mum's words. "I know, I know..." I continued.

"Rose, are you alright? You look down, what's on your mind?" Olivia asked, genuinely concerned.

"Wha-what makes you think that?" I stuttered.

Olivia immediately smirked, "Well, for starters I can see it in your eyes. Rose you might not realize but your eyes say everything, I can read your emotions like a book. Need I go on?" She laughed, clearly proud of herself.

"N-no, I was just thinking about mum." I quietly said.

Olivia's smirk faded as she wrapped me into a tight hug, "I'm sorry Rose, I should've known you were thinking about her."

I hugged her back, "It's fine, it's just I miss her, that's all. I lost her last year but now that I'm older I've gotten a better grasp at what happened. It's hard to process."

"I know Rosy, but I don't think your mom would want you spending your 11th birthday crying over her. Besides every mother would want their daughter to be happy on such a special occasion." Olivia smiled.

"You sound so much like mum." I laughed, Olivia laughed too.

"Okay," I smiled.

"Race you to the dinning hall!" I announced shooting onto my feet.

We both sprinted out the room and down the hallway to the dinning hall. Crashing into walls and not giving a care in the world brought back old memories.

"I win!" We both shouted in unison as we bent over to catch our breaths. The two of us made our way to an open seat at the giant table, today was the same old french toast for breakfast, but something made it taste better. Once finished I was about to leave the table when Olivia pulled me back down. I noticed both her hands were behind her back, she was hiding something.

"Olivia, what's behind your back?" I asked suspicious as I raised an eyebrow.

She smiled and pulled out a blueberry muffin from behind her back, "I know it's your favourite so I snuck out the orphanage yesterday and got you one!" She exclaimed excitedly.

My jaw dropped. "O-Olivia, how did you buy that?!" I asked in utter disbelief.

"I saved up a couple quarters I found on the floor, the staff here are unbelievably careless." She explained.

I laughed, "This is too much, I can't."

"Rose, no it's not. You're too kind, just take it. You deserve it, you had a really rough year." She said as she stuck a candle into the middle.

"Okay fine," I sighed. "But, on one condition. You have to eat it with me."

"Deal." She laughed, she then pulled out a lighter and lit the short candle.

"Make a wish Rosy!" Olivia smiled.

I closed my eyes and thought of the thing I wanted most. I wished to see mum one last time, to just spend one last minute with her and tell her I loved her.

I blew out the flame, and we both shared the muffin. I smiled at Olivia, what would I do without her? I thought. As we were eating I noticed a tall figure strolling towards us. I lifted my head to see it was Matteo. I gave him a quick smile, "Happy Birthday Rosy!" He hugged me from behind. "Happy Birthday Matteo!" I hugged him back. Me and Matteo share the same birthday, although according to our birth records I'm older by three minutes.

"Where were you all this time?" Olivia asked with a stern look.

"I slept in Solace, it's a normal thing to do." Matteo rolled his eyes.

"So we're going by last names now, Riddle?" She huffed with a smirk.

"Anyways....Rosy, can I talk to you—um alone?" Matteo asked nervously.

"What? Are you like going to ask her to be your girlfriend or something?" Olivia teased.

Matteo flushed a deep red, "You wish Solace."

I chuckled ,"Yeah that's fine, is it urgent?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied. I looked back at Olivia, "You go on, I'll come looking for you two in fifteen minutes." She smiled.

I got up and followed Matteo out the dinning hall, "Do you always have to have her approval?!" Matteo asked slightly angry. "No,..."

He dragged me all the way back to the sleeping room, he looked both ways before entering. Boys weren't exactly allowed in the girls sleeping room, but all the kids were eating so it was just us.

He brought me to my mattress, sitting neatly on top was a letter and a small present box.

"Who's the letter from?" I asked.

"You should read it." He smiled, urging me to go on.

I suspiciously picked it up and opened the wax sealed envelope,

Dear Rose Amelia Alan,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins 1 of September. We await your owl by no later than 31 of July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mcgonagall, Deputy headmistress.

My eyes were left wide, I looked back up at Matteo. "Wha-what??" I sat down on my mattress completely dumbfounded. He followed my actions and sat down beside me, he then proceeded to pull out his letter.

"I got the letter too!" He smiled.

I smiled back, "But Matteo, do you know what this means?"

"Uh yeah I do, it means we are going to a school to learn magic and become witches and wizards!" He announced.

I shook my head, "Yes, but it means we're leaving our lives behind. We are leaving Olivia, and your friend Tye." I said sadly.

"Oh, I didn't think about that."

"Also, what do they mean by owl? I've got no owl to send a letter."

"I know one, it was my pet before mum and dad left me. He still visits me every now and then." Matteo replied.

"Lucky!" I smiled. "But if we're going to do this, you have to promise me one thing."


"You have to remain my best friend." I stuck out my pinky.

"Deal." He wrapped his pinky around mine.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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