Sensitive & Sweet

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Ok so before I start this part, lemme explain how hackula met Y/N..
Hackula normally, would've targeted other players, until he saw you in sight, then he thought, 'I know I just saw them but I'm already crushing on them' He then teleported to Y/N and said hello to them, then their relationship grew over the past 10 days, then they talk about their life and stuff, and eventually, he asked
Y/N out.

After he confessed to you

You opened the doors and you saw that hackula had a little dinner date set up just for you & him

"Ever since I first saw you Y/N, I knew you'd be the one" Hackula smiled

"Awww really?" You asked

He replied, "Of course darling!"

You replied, "Honestly, I'm really nervous about this date"

"You aren't alone!" He said smiling

You thought 'So he's nervous too?'
(Hackula read your mind)

He replied, "Yeah, I'm nervous about first dates aswell"

You asked with curiosity, "Okay, so what's it like being immortal?"

He said "Oh, well.. getting hunted down everytime people fight me isn't the best.."

You said, "Tell me their are other Hackulas' in other servers.."

"Yeah there is, why you ask?" He replied

"Well I didn't know if their was or not, so that's why I asked, thank goodnesses their are though!" Y/N giggled

He smiled, "Now you know for sure"

You both continued talking about what yall wanted to do together in life, a couple hours later.. you and hack lie down.

You later lie down with him on the bed hugging, and some cuddling of course

You said "You're really sweet for a immortal, hackula.. you know that, right?"

"Oh and by the way, I really like you-" said Y/N

"I feel the same way, actually" He replied
You and Hackula looked at each-other and blushed

You hesitantly held hackula

You said "I hope you don't leave for anyone better than me"

"I promise darling, I wont abandon you, I love you too much!" He replied

You kissed him

"We should get some rest" He said

You replied "Alright, love you hacky"

You both huddled arms around eachother before falling asleep

In the Morning

"Morning, Y/N" He said sweetly

"Good morning hack!" You smiled

You nuzzled him

"I wanna spend the whole day with you darling!" He said cheerfully

"That's so kind of you, I'd love to spend the day with you!" You giggled softly

"Forgot you couldn't go out during daytime.., so do you wanna play some Nintendo switch games?" You said

(Headcanon: Y/N owns a Nintendo switch)

"Of course!" He said smiling at you

After hours of playing

"That sure was a day alright! You giggled and hugged him

He hugs Y/N

"It sure was!" He said

"Hackula, it's beautiful outside tonight, I wanna look at the stars!" You smiled

"If you say so darling" He smiled and went with them

You and him sit together and look at the stars

"Such a nice night.." You said
Hackula nodded in agreement

"The stars are so beautiful!" You said

"You know who else is beautiful?" Hackula asked

"Who?" You asked

"You of course!" He smiled

You blushed
"Awww thanks hacky!" You said smiling at him

"Of course!" He smiled

He picked you up and brought you back inside

You both looked at eachother in glee while sleeping in bed


Hope y'all liked it because I loved the context honestly

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