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Everyone was in the training ground including you, who's clearly not nervous and worried. You are.

Tomorrow will be the battle with the Commander, the king had said and now you're just watching the training begun in the training grounds. With Janus beside you, ready to run and get the doctors if someone got injured just from training.

Isolone were the warriors of the whole world. They are the best and the most strict in fighting or training. If you ever got hurt, it's your fault not theirs. Isolonis are strong in fights and wars. The perfect ally when war was involved in two kingdoms.

You were just waiting for Gemma's turn. Watching other warriors suffer or succeed in the hands of the Isolonis knights. The Head Guard and Commander just looking at everyone, judging everyone's moves.

Would sometimes tsk from the lack of excitement and fails from the other warriors.

"Gemma Howwer." King Viktor called.

Your eyes travelled down the lines of sitting warriors and spotted Gemma standing up. It was her turn now. 

She turned to glance at you and you gave her a thumbs-up with mouthed words of, "Good luck." She just nodded, taking a deep breath before walking in the middle to face an Isolonis knight. With training swords in hands, they started.

They waited for one of them to attack as they kept a close eye on each other. Gazing on each hand or foot before facing each other's faces.

This could last for an hour if one of them didn't attack. The wait was long until the Isolonis knight attacked first - must be getting impatient.

Gemma quickly blocked the attack, the strong pounce made her stumble but she kept her feet locked to the ground. She started pushing forwards, trying to make her position stable once again but it was no use. So she swiftly moved to the side, avoiding the powerful swing on the leg.

She had the sight of the knight's waist but she ignored it since the knight was already facing her. His expression not showing but you could see that he was impressed from how she escaped that.

"She moves like a cheetah." Janus whispered beside you. "Always has been." You replied back, not turning to them, focused on the fight in front of you.

Gemma attacked the knight in a much more quicker speed. It made the knight caught off guard but he managed to block at the right time. But that wasn't all she got. She let go the attack, swiftly ran to the knight's back and hit him in the back.

"Gemma moves like a cheetah. Going as close as she gets to the target before going to their backs, killing them." San Diego, the leader of the warriors, spoke. Pointing to the painted picture of her.

You were just 3 years younger than her but you wishes to be her, you stumble upon the warrior guild once you stomped away from the palace. San Diego treated you like a child of his own that time. Training you to be a suitable warrior even if you're still mad about the knight thing - the king had said to you.

After all the rage and anger with the training, you got your tittle from him before he passed away. "The Eagle - eyeing where the weakness was, looking if they could strike or not." That was you.

And she won. The knight bowed to her in respect and she bowed back in response. Before walking back to her spot, giving you a cheerful smile once she turned to you.

You only gave her a thumbs-up and a smile before putting on your emotionless face again.

King Viktor stood up from his seat and everyone turned to him. "Thank you warriors for your shared strengths, some of you may have lose but you still fought your hardest to be able to defeat my knights, and I'm thankful to see that. And to everyone that won, congratulations. Tomorrow, let's meet here again so you could fought my commander. You're all dismissed."

LACUNA (Sapnap X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now