Early or Late

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*Camilo's Pov*

My eyes burst open as I shoots up. "W-what.." I mumble as I start to wake up. I look around my room. Ever since we rebuilt the house, my room has just not felt safe. It's been changing and adding more to itself.
I check my clock and it turns out to be only 5am!?
I let out a small shriek as this isn't normal for me, normally I wake up as late as I can without getting called down for breakfast because kids are tiering.
I try to fall back asleep but I'm restless and uncomfortable so I get up from my hammock and walk over to the closest mirror.

Your missing some features Camilo

"I am?" I whisper to myself. I look closer in the mirror and the harder I look the more questions I ask myself.

Was my hair always curly?

Were my eyes that colour?

Is that my height?

Is this my face?

I must of been saying this out loud as suddenly someone came into my room.

Dolores- 'This isn't like you to be up so early." She says yawning.

Camilo- "I-i thought your room was sound proof?" I say struggling with my words.

Dolores- She grins slightly. "I can hear you because your next door."

Camilo- "Jeez you need to devolve your gift!" I say laughing because thats my stupid personality. Honestly, I wish I could devolve my gift into nothing. Maybe then I could see what I actually look like. Maybe I could realize what I'm missing.

Dolores- "Haha, anyways what was you saying? I know you kept repeating something?"

I can't think of something that can replace what I was saying so I say...

Camilo- "Oh- I must of zoned out haha."
I really didn't know what to say but I think she bought it because she left with a smile.

*Dolores's POV*

Camilo didn't seem as cheerful as usual, I'm sure it's because it's 5:30AM but he just didn't seem himself.
I sigh. I don't like not knowing things.
I head back to my room and press my head against the wall to see if I can hear more. These walls are the best soundproof I've been it so Casita did an amazing job. I start hearing Camilo repeating again but it's faster and louder. I can just make out something like

Was my hair *something*?

Something about his eyes?

It's hard to make out the rest but he sounds crazy.

*Camilo's POV*

I soon snap out of repeating and decide to change my clothes. There was still a lot of time before everyone would start to wake up so once I get changed I'll go on a walk.

Time Skip

Half way through my walk I get a call on my phone. It was mama and she sounded worried.

Pepa- "Where are you!?"

Camilo- "I'm on a walk mama."

Pepa- "You've been on a walk for a few hours now! We've just started desayuno."

I couldn't of been for that long! I check my phone's time and Mama was right, it was breakfast.

Camilo- "I-" I pause for a quick second "I'm coming home now!"

I hang up and begin running but I instantly feel tierd and out of breath. Running seems hard so I'll just have to be late.
I don't really mind though. It gives me an excuse to do my chores late.

(570 words)

Camilo angstWhere stories live. Discover now