TWENTY-FIVE - denouement

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Keira and B could not return to Malfoy Manor, where they had spent most of their time together, nor could they return to Spinners End, Keira could not bear to be there without Severus. The Crouch house was the only option.

Keira awoke a few days later, in the guest bedroom on the top floor of the Crouch house, she threw on a dress and padded downstairs. The house was still decrepit and dusty but liveable, for now. She quietly checked the rooms wondering where B was. She found him a minute later in the kitchen sitting at the kitchen table, he was toying with something in his hand. He did not look at her as she entered, nor when she sat opposite him.

He placed the thing he had been fiddling with within his hand on the table carefully, it was the vial he had conjured to hold Severus' tears in. Keira sucked in a breath at the sight and at the thought of the pain, it might cause her. "I don't have a Pensieve," B said carefully choosing his words. Keira understood immediately, We have to go to Hogwarts. "You don't have to use the tears if you don't want to, but I think you should, Sn-Severus wanted you to." B said, quietly looking into her eyes.

"I know, I have to, I want to see what he wanted me to know." Keira sighed. "But we won't be a welcome sight. I suppose I should..." Keira trailed off, making half a move to get up, pointing out the window. I should send McGonagall and Harry a letter to let them know I'm coming.

"No, I'll do that you don't have to do anything," B said getting up and signaling that she should stay seated.

"B please don't." Keira put her head in her hands. "Don't wrap me up in cotton wool, I'm fine, really." She peeked at him through her hands, he looked skeptical at her claims. 

"Fine." He eventually assented. But he still brought her a quill and parchment to the table, for which she rolled her eyes at him.

Her letter to Harry wrote;


In some ways, we are past pleasantries so I will get to the point. If you are available tomorrow at 11 am I would like to meet in Hogwarts, I have asked McGonagall for this courtesy.

There are some things I feel that you have a right to know, both about me and my godfather, some closure for both of us.

I am forever saddened by the losses you suffered at the battle and I understand your pain, I have lost people too. I will help rebuild whatever I can. B will too. We are at your service. Always.

Keira Thorne.

Keira finished writing the letter to Harry and had just folded it ready to call an owl when her dress pocket burned into her skin. She pulled the coin out that had started the pain quickly. It will be news of Draco. Good or bad I do not know. She flipped the coin over in her hand, feeling the ornate inscriptions against her palm.

It read: 'safe now, we can rest here.'

Draco and his family were on the run, but now they are safe. Keira had the idea to talk to Harry about letting them be pardoned for their crimes, after all, they were not bad, but misguided.

Keira's message to Draco on the coin read: 'will plead your case, give me time.'

Her next letter was to McGonagall asking for permission to visit the headmaster's office and to use the Pensieve. She sent both of the letters by owls that she found roosting in the roof.

Keira wandered around looking at the house more slowly now and looking for B. 

She found him standing in what he called 'his mother's sitting room'. He had his hands in his pockets, staring at the chaise longue by the wall. "Are you alright?" Keira asks standing by the door. He looks around as though he was deep in thought.

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