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Manuel hovered over the beautiful array of purple and blue flowers that lined the side of the sidewalk, the sunlight hitting them just right, bringing out the enchantment of their nature.  It would be the last time he would see something like this before all gorgeous life would disappear, and before darkness would completely shade the skies of New York City.  This darkness would shed no light to hope.

He hadn't showered in months and his little family was starting to grow hungry.  Grocery stores that held essentials were abandoned and locked.  Acquiring food was becoming difficult to achieve.  The urgency of fighting to survive was increasing.  The streets became quieter by the minute as to not wake The Scavengers.

The Scavengers were his main worry.  Creatures of the night----nearly always taking the form of a wolf----that could shapeshift to whatever type of animal or whatever human being that they desired.  Many had disappeared within just days of The Fall.  By the time the darkness would arise, most of New York's population would drop significantly, leaving only the most powerful and vicious citizens to fend for themselves and protect their families.  Scavengers would emerge from the darkness and take anyone who was alone, or too helpless to defend their own life.  

These people supposedly would be taken to the highest peak in the middle of the country and there was no knowing what ever happened to them when they got there.  Some said they were taken care of.  That they were safe there.  Others said that this wasn't true and that the people would be killed as soon as they were captured.  Manuel could combine the two.  He believed that they would be tricked into thinking that they would be taken care of at that highest peak, but then have their life be taken as soon as they found hope that the light would come again.

He couldn't be taken by them, he just couldn't.  He needed to protect whatever family he had left.  If he were to be captured, they would never survive. 

He crouched down to his dog and tied a flashlight to her forehead. "Good girl, Tobillo.  Lead the way."  The dog whined and trotted at a steady pace down the street's path.

His wife turned to him.  The dark circles under her eyes were prominent and stood out from her pale skin.  "Where are we going?"  She asked, her voice raspy.  She was carrying their one-year-old son who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. "What about your parents?"

Manuel followed Tobillo through a mist as the grey clouds finally finished setting in on the whole city.  "I don't know where.  All I know is that my parents are gone, and we will never get them back," he grumbled.  "I can't let you go either."  A sudden anxiety lied heavily on his heart.  This was it.  This must have been the end for himself and others around him.



Hi!  Hello.  So yes, I know that I got rid of all my stories.  I've just tried to take a little more time to prepare them and choose which ones I want to write first.  I chose this one.  

This is just a super short introduction to this book, I feel no need to put anything else into this part because it might spoil too much.


I hope you enjoy this story :)

Thank you for reading 


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