No One Deserves This

336 11 18

A quiet breeze drifted through the land, making the blonde shiver slightly, wishing he'd brought a jacket as he continued to search for the sweet berries he swore he'd seen around here the other day.

Ranboo was planning on making a pie for Michael's birthday a few days from now.

The young piglin didn't like cake, which Tommy thought was ridiculous, but he didn't mind all that much because Ranboo made an amazing pie, one that could almost rival Nikki's.

"Aha," he muttered, finding some berries, pricking his finger as he reached to take a few off of the bush.

"Shit," he hissed, putting the finger to his lips to stop the blood.

There was a rustling behind him and he froze, but there was no more sound, so he chalked it up to the wind in the trees, dismissing it as he leaned to grab more berries. He fumbled a moment when the rustling picked up again.

Tommy spun quickly, heart racing, despite the SMP having been fairly quiet, at least on this side, since Dream was put in prison. He searched for the source of the noise, cursing himself when he realized that he'd left his weapon at home, having become too comfortable knowing that Dream was in jail and couldn't reach him.

Tommy took a tentative step forward, ready to flee if necessary, unsure of what might be in the bushes.

A quiet groan found its way out of the bush, surprising Tommy.

His instincts pushed him forward, tearing away the leaves to find the source of the injured individual, because he was still a kind person who wanted to help people who were in need.

"What the fuck," he muttered to himself, surprised to find Dream curled into the ball in the bushes, trying to stay hidden it looked like.

Anger and fear took over his shock really quick though and he found himself yelling at the man.

"How did you- Why- How the fuck did you get out!?" he shouted, confusion battling with his fear as Dream curled into a tighter ball whimpering, muttering undiscernible words to himself, tears leaking from his eyes, and wasn't that a shock because he always had his mask on and it was nowhere to be found.

Tommy was unsure of what to do. On the one hand, Dream looked really hurt, but on the other it was Dream, he could be trying to hurt him again.

His fear won out.

"Quit it, Dream. I'm not falling for that," Tommy said, fire burning in his stomach as he faced his tormentor, putting on a brave face despite his heart thundering in his chest. "I'm taking you back."

Dream's breathing picked up, his muttered words coming louder. "Please don't take me back. Please. Kill me. Please kill me. I can't go back. Please."

Tommy's brows furrowed and he reached for the man, watching in more confusion as the man flinched, harshly, scooting away from him in clear fear.

"Stand up, Dream."

"I c-can't. I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry. Please, sir, don't hur-" he trailed off, muttering quiet apologies, begging this 'sir' to not hurt him.

Tommy wasn't entirely sure if he was faking it anymore. The man looked to be in pure flight mode.

He shook his head.

Of course Dream was faking it. This isn't something new. He'd done this before, pretending to be hurt to get Tommy to trust him. He was manipulating Tommy into letting him go.

But what about begging to be killed? He'd never heard the man so desperate in his life. He knows Dream is a good actor but was he really this good?

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