♡Sick Tommy♡

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Today was pretty usual for the Beloved-Minecraft family, Ranboo was getting stuff, Tommy was watching the kids, but Tommy seemed less productive today..

Tommy's POV
I woke up, having a bad headache, and my throat hurt, didn't think much of it so I got up and went to wake Shroud and Micheal up and make them something to eat. Ranboo was out getting resources probably, or helping Techno with stuff.

Third person:
"Shroud, Micheal, wake up its morning" Tommy said in a bit of a raspy voice. Micheal was first to wake up, "Morning Mama!" Micheal said cheerfully, "Morning Micheal, can you wake up Shroud for me? I'll go make you food" Tommy said coughing between words "Okay mama I will! " Micheal said before Tommy walked out the room coughing a bit.
Tommy then went to make them food, he finished making the food once they started coming downstairs, eating, then going off to play. "Thanks for the food mama! ^^" The two said in union,  "Your welcome, and be careful while playing please" Tommy said sneezing in between the sentence. "Okay mama" said Shroud.

Tom sat on the couch, His headache getting worse, the sore throat wasn't helping either, Ranboo got home. Placing his stuff down

"I'm home!" Ranboo said "Papa! Mama is acting weird, he's coughing a lot" Micheal said with Shroud hugging Ranboo's leg. "Oh, alright I'll check on him, go ahead and play I'm sure he's fine" Ranboo said calmly "okay papa!" Said Shroud while the two ran to play.

Ranboo's POV
Hes sick, isn't he. Dear God why is he so overworking.

Third person☆

Ranboo walked into the living room seeing Tommy asleep on the couch. He walked over to him, Ranboo put hid hand on Tommy's forehead. "He's burning up.. dammit Tommy" Ranboo spoke to himself before lifting Tommy bridal style teleporting to the room, placing him down and going to get a wet rag to put on Tommy's forehead. "I love you but you do too much.." Ranboo said softly, placing a kiss on Tommy's cheek before leaving the room to let him rest

The end

(Yaaay, I'm tryna be more productive for you chat. I know I haven't posted any stories for a while but i hope you enjoyed!)

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