People Are Staring

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"You're breaking up with me? Okay. I get it we weren't working out. I was going to break up with you tonight anyway. You just made it easier." Evalyn said with a smile, though inside she was ready to rip off Rose's head because she knew Scorpious only has eyes for Rose, and this made her mad like really increadibly mad.

One Week Later In the Library

Scorpious sees Rose and walks over to her. "Hi, Rosie. How are you?"

"I'm good Scorp. You?" Rose asked.

"Uh, I'm fine I guess."

"What do you mean you guess? Is something wrong?" Rose asked very worried.

"I'm fine, I mean I broke up with Eva last week, but I'm fine." 

"Okay. How did Eva take the brake up?"

"She took it really well. She said that she also thought we weren't working out even though she was the clingy one."

"Okay. could you give me a boost so I can reach that book up their?" Rose asked pointing to a book shelf.

"Sure." Scorpious said as Rose stood up. After Rose was in front of him, he picked her up and she sat on his shoulder.

"People are staring." Scorpious said while Rose was grabbing books.

"Let them." Rose responded. Neither of them knew that Eva was watching them too. Eva was becoming furious as she watched the Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Later That Day In The Slytherin Common Room

"Why was Rose on your shoulder in the library today?" Eva asked Scorpious furiously at the fact that he let Rose do that, when she could not even kiss him.

"I let Rose because she asked me to give her a lift so that she could get some books. She is also my friend since first year." Scorpious said.

"I don't care! I asked to just hug you and you always tell me no! You are such a-" 

"Hey guys." Albus cut off Eva's rant.

"Hey Al." Scorpious said.

"Hello Albus. If you don't mind could you please go so we can finish talking?" Eva said becoming more and more angry that Albus cut off her rant.

"I don't think it was 'talking' as much as you yelling at Scorp." Albus said matter-of-factly.

"You're right Al. How about we go to Honeydukes?" Scorpious suggests. "Alone." He added glaring at Eva.

"Uh, sure. Lets go."

In A Corridor Rose Is Patrolling

Rose spots Eva and walks toward her. "Hi Eva. What are you doing up here? Aren't you supposed to be patrolling the dungeons?"

"Hi Rose. I'm up here you."

"What do you mean 'deal with me' ?"

"I mean, make sure that you don't interviene in my relationship with Scorpious. Ever. Again."

"I thought Scorpious broke up with you. And he said you were okay with it."

"I was just using my nice exterior." As Eva said this she brought out her wand and pointed it at Rose. "Cru-"

"Expeliarmus!" Scorpious yelled. Scorpious came in just as Eva finished pulling out her wand and saw what she was going to do to Rose. 

Eva ran away after she grabbed her wand.

"Rose? Are you okay? Did Eva do anything to you?" Scorpious asked incredibly frightened for the girl he loved, even though he wouldn't admit to himself, let alone any one else.

"I'm okay. What are you doing up here anyway?" Rose answered and then asked.

"I followed Eva. I didn't know why she was coming up here, so I followed her. I didn't think she would come after you. If I knew that I would've warned you."

"It's not your fault Scorp. I will just be more careful. Okay?"

"Okay. But if she hurts you or even goes to hurt you I will rip her head off."

Rose laughed at Scorpious's comment. "Okay, just let me have a front row seat if you do rip her head off." Now both laughed.

"Okay." Scorpious said. "Good night Rosie." 

"Good night Scorp."

With that, they both went back to their dorms and fell asleep, but Eva didn't. She watched their whole conversation. "One day I will kill that Granger-Weasley I-" Eva vowed while walking back to the dungeons.

Eva was cut off by a painting saying "Put that light out. Some of us are trying to sleep."

"I will get her one da-"

"Are you deaf? Put that light out." Eva was cut off again by that same painting.

Jealous - A Scorose/Rosius FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin