The moment they knew they were in love

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Adam ~
- you didn't care that he was rich
- he took you to a fancy restaurant for one of your dates
-- you said it was nice, but would honestly rather have dates in your room or something, just something simple

Charlie ~
- you guys were playing a 1v1 on the ice
- you matched him speed for speed and goal for goal

Guy ~
- you guys were walking to a park for a picnic
- you encountered a lost kid
-- you refused to leave the kid until you helped them find their mother
--- quite honestly, he refused to leave too

Connie ~
- she watched you beat every guy on your basketball team in a free throw competition

Dean ~
- he watched as you jammed out to Nirvana
-- which is probably one of his favorite bands (hc)

Julie ~
- you told Averman to shut up because he was being annoying
-- but in like..the hottest most badass way possible

Dwayne ~
- you guys went to a county fair
-- you wanted to ride the horses
--- he was gonna help (as well as the workers)
---- you were a natural
----- boy wanted to marry you right then and there

Fulton ~
- he crashed into you at a Metallica concert
-- he didn't know you were into Metallica

Luis ~
- he was watching you work at the rink
-- you were sliding random things across the ice (i.e. clipboards, pens, the keys, all of the rental skates, etc.) to get back at your dad because he made you mad
--- he thought it was funny and adorable
(---- he definitely helped you)

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