Assaints desk (Viktor)

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Working at the academy wasn't always the best, but the best part of my day was seeing him.

Beautiful Viktor. Some may call me strange or weird for being into the man, but he was simply genius, with short locks of brown, a lean figure, and a gorgeous face.

Who wouldn't recognize the man's beauty.

I walk into the office, seeing him hard at work. Writing some type of cryptic notes, something I'd never understand. Afterall I didn't create hextech.

"Hey Viktor, what are you working on now?"

"A solution to make hextech safe guarded. Its extremely difficult. Turing a product with zero safety's into something for the public hand. I'm beat."

I look closer at the notes, leaning over Viktors shoulder.

Viktor's face turns red and I look over at him. Our faces so close.

"You okay Viktor, do you need me to take over and let you go rest?" I speak innocently, though I noticed what was happening.

Around Viktor, I won't lie. I wear shorter than the average tops, and always keep a pair of shorts on.

Just because I live in piltover doesn't mean I don't dress like how I want. It shows me, and it flusters him. Win-win.

"Nothings wrong I'm fine Y/n." He stutters a bit, embrassed I suppose.

I move in closer to him sticking my forehead to his. "Well you don't seem to have a fever."

He pulls away and looks down, only to look back up with a redder tinted face.

"I am so sorry." He looks back at his notes.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"Looking down- and uhm yea." He rubs the back of his head with his unoccupied hand.

"I still dont understand but you dont have to apologize for anything Viktor. I am the one leaning onto you. Here I'll let go if you want?"

"No, no it's fine. I might actually appreciate your help."

I throw my arm over his shoulder, leaning very little of my weight onto him. Pulling him in as close as I could get him. The closer the better.

I could smell his shampoo and his fresh clothes.

We spend hours like this, bickering back and forth on how we could find a solution. It was really nice, just being near each, talking. Sometimes even luaghing.

Maybe today could be the day if I work up my courage.

I look over a Viktor and sigh.

"What's wrong Y/n." He looks at me concerned.

"Its just- we've been working together a few years and I- I've come to grow fonder of you than I should've."


"I love you Viktor."

"I love you too Y/n."

I look at him and my jaw falls open. How did I never noticed. I've noticed everything about him, how he talks with one side of his mouth more than the other, how he eats so politely, how his hands curl around his pen a specific way. But I've never seen this. Was he also observing me?

"Really? You mean it Viktor?"

"I swear it."

I couldn't help myself I turn towards his face and place my lips on his. The kiss is light and soft, but I couldn't hold my pent up desires. It's been years of wanting to hold this man and I finnaly got it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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