Getting ready

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I am packing my things to go the trip and then I realize I forgotten something in Peach's room "augh my dress" I said to myself "I better go get it fast before Peach close the door". So I walk in direction to Peach's room,I opened the door, the room is empty so I walk to Peach's closet to look for my dress but then I heard Peach talking to someone with her phone in the bathroom "What about Daisy?" I hear,she is talking about me,why? Peach was going out of the bathroom so I have to hide but where? I open the closet and hide there. Peach was going out of the room so I got out of the closet and run to my room as soon as possible "Anyway,I don't need that dress" I said to myself,still packing my things"I should just forget what happen."

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