The Ghost of Christmas Present Gives Buddie One Last Chance

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The next morning, Eddie’s packing up food for tonight’s dinner, until he catches a glimpse of the naughty and nice hats, then looks at Chris, who’s just looking at a picture of him, Buck and Eddie on his phone.

But before anyone can say anything, there’s a knock on the door, and Chris immediately helps himself up to grab his crutches, telling Eddie, “I got it.”, before making his way over.

But even with that assurance, Eddie still follows Chris over to the front door.

“Chastity!” Chris exclaims, and Eddie has to let out a sigh of disappointment, even if he’s the only one who knows why. “Come on in!”

After she comes in and closes the door, Chris notes, “What brings you here? You’re not dressed, and neither am I.”

“Oh I know.” Chastity laughs, holding up a tiny box. “I just wanted to give you something before we head over to the station.”, then handing it over. “Here, see for yourself.”

Chris does so, and when he sees the Snow globe cufflinks staring back at him, he smiles.

Chris does so, and when he sees the Snow globe cufflinks staring back at him, he smiles

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“I love them!” he says immediately, before he remembers. “Wait, I thought you said these were for an uncle?”

“Chris, we both know I don’t have an uncle.” Chastity reminds him. “My mom doesn’t even have her ears pierced.”

Chris doesn’t get it at first, “What?”

With a flourish, she pulls her hair back, revealing both the earrings and the necklace.

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