Oneshot-Oikawa x Reader

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Y/N POV I walk through the long puddles as it's dirty brown surface ripples in short waves. My hands become week a few times resulting in my umbrella drooping down. Soon I see my destination, the volleyball gym, and go inside once I get to the doors. I quickly head to the girls locker room and change into my Aoba Johsai uniform. Once I finish I head into the gym and start to round up the team. "Okay everyone! We have a few minutes before the boys' team arrives, so stretch and practice for the practice game!" As soon as I finish announcing that I hear some of the girls squealing "Oikawa-Sannnn!!!" How annoying. After we practice for 15 minutes, we see the boys walk in. I greet Tooru and start to talk about the game. Honestly Hajime is a much better person. We've played volleyball together since kindergarten. Unfortunately with Tooru. We finish talking, and we round up our teams and each give our speech. Both of the coaches are satisfied. I get in my spot as a libero and get into position. Here comes Tooru's wicked serve. I smirk and he smirks. I know he's looking right at me. He jumps up and plunders the volleyball with great strength. "MINE" I yell as I easily receive the pass and put it up to our setter, Izumi-Chan. This is why I'm a great libero, I grew up on Tooru's serves. I watch as she sets it up and our ace , Yuki-San, spikes it and we get a point. "Nice kill Izumi-Chan, Yuki-San!" I say while high-fiving them. I get back in my spot and get read for the next rally. This goes on for hours. We played two games and we both won one. I go to change back into my school uniform and walk by Tooru to Hajime. "Hey Hajime, good game!" I say as waving and smiling. "Hey Y/N, good game! Nice recieves by the way." He says while he nudges my arm with his elbow while smirking and lifting an eyebrow. "Thanks!" I say while chuckling. "You and Izumi-San wanna go for ice cream with me and Trashykawa? There's a new ice cream shop in town." Hajime says. "Sure. I'll go get her." I head over to Izumi-Chan and ask her to join us. I know she'll say yes because she has what she calls a tiny crush on Hajime but we all know it's a big one. As I predicted, she was hopping with joy and eagerness saying yes right away. We both head over to the boys who are waiting for us and we start to walk towards the new ice cream shop. Hajime and Izumi-Chan walk in front of me and Tooru. "Hi Y/N-Chan!" Tooru says with eagerness. "Hi. Drop the chan would you?" I say mumbling embarrassed. We've been close since we were young but I've always been closer with Hajime. I don't know, he's just a much easier person to handle being with. I was not always this distant from Tooru. I was as close with him as I was with Hajime at first, but then middle school happened. All of a sudden he got popular. Got to be captain of our volleyball team. And last but not least, he got fangirls. Horrible ones, nice ones, neutral ones. Unfortunately, I was always stuck with the horrible ones. They kept on torturing me and abusing me until I became distant from Tooru. One day I came home to dad and mom, and I was soaked from his fangirls dumping water over me. So I lied, I said I jumped in the river with Hajime and Tooru. "But whyyyyy?" Tooru snaps me out of thought and I see that we're half way to the shop. "Because it embarrassing." And it makes your fangirls think we're super close. I look up to see Tooru frowning and sadness in his eyes that soon go away as I look up. "Why have we become so distant?" He asks. Your fangirls, is what I want to say but he doesn't know what has happened. "I don't know what your talking about." I say quickly. "You know well." He says. I look away from his face and see the ice cream shop. What a relief. "Looks like we're here!" I say with a smile. I look at him, he knows it's fake. He frowns. Tooru knows me too well. He knows when I'm happy, when I'm not, and when I'm faking happiness. He always knows. Tooru I don't want to be distant from you. I want to be your best friend again. But I can't. I want to say this. "Guys what do you want?" Hajime asks. "I'll get one green tea ice cream please. I'll pay." I say. "Order whatever you guys want." Everyone orders and I pay. We sit down and my watch beeps with a text message from dad. 'Get home now or else.' I try to hide my worried face and tell my friend I have to go. "Bye guys!" I say. Tooru gets up and says he'll walk me home. Izumi-Chan all of a sudden goes super smiley of the thought of her and Hajime alone. I try to refuse but Tooru grabs my arm and practically drags me out of the shop. I start walking home with him and looks at me with sad eyes. "What..." I mumble just enough so he could hear. "Are you okay? You're so distant to me now. You never talk to me unless we're with Hajime. Did I do something wrong?" He says all of this with a tremble in his voice. He looks like he's about to cry. I'm about to cry too I start to realize. "Tooru... no I'm not mad at you. You did nothing wrong. I didn't know it was bothering you so much..." I say with a sad look. He stops walking and looks up from the ground he's been staring at. I realize he wasn't about to cry, he is crying. "I-I'm so sorry.." he says. I can't just stand here. I run to him and hug him. He hugs me back. We cry together as time ticks. I remember my dad's text and I get very worried. I get out of the hug and start running home. "I'VE GOT TO GET HOME!!" I yell so Tooru doesn't think I'm running from him. He watches me as I run away and starts walking home himself. I get home and enter as quietly as possible. My dad comes roaring out of the kitchen. I gulp as I see he has a knife. *flashback* "MOM" I cry out as she starts to walk away. "Mom please don't..." I cry as she jumps off the bridge. "It's okay baby, it's not your fault. Goodbye Y/N-Chan" I hear her say before I hear her back break the hard surface of the river 50 feet below. I see my dad run out to me and kick me. "SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE. YOU IDIOTIC, DISGUSTING, UNBEARABLE CHILD." *end of flashback* That's when the abuse started. When mom died. He's always thought it was me, but we both know it was him. I start to run out and down the street to cousin Tobio's house. I trip once and I get back up I try not to look back. I knock on the door. Tobio comes out and looks worried. He rushes me in the house and starts to treat my knee. "You really need to come and live with us. Y/N-San, your father is crazy. I wouldn't even call him family because of what he's done to you. I decide to stay for the night and aunt Kageyama (I don't know Tobio's father and mother's first names) gives me some of her pajamas. I fall asleep easily and wake up the next morning I see my bag uniform next to me along with quite a few suitcases. Aunt and Uncle Kageyama must have just gone to get my stuff last night. I get up and go to get ready. As soon as I'm done I check my phone. ***-***-****'Hey it's Tooru, I got your number from Hajime. Are you okay? Your were in a hurryto get home.' Me 'Yeah I'm good. See ya at school.'Tooru'Okay bye' I enter the kitchen as I smell delicious food waiting for me. I always loved auntie's cooking. Before, I would just eat a protein bar and call it good. Auntie comes into the kitchen with a sad look. "Y/N, you will live with us now. I'm sorry it's so sudden, but we can't stand here and let you get multiple attempts of murder put on you. We got all your stuff and brang it here. You will now live in our guest room." Auntie says it with a serious look on her face. I start to cry and run up to uncle and auntie and hug them. "Thank you so much..." I'm crying hysterically but I can't help it. Good thing I didn't put mascara on. We finish talking about living here and eat. Once I'm done I excuse myself and grab my bag and say goodbye to aunt and uncle. Me and Tobio leave and then we start walking. We talk about Manga and anime and then we say our goodbyes and walk to our own schools. Once I get to school I head to homeroom I turn my phone and watch to silent. I walk in and see Tooru dealing with his fangirls. He sees me and smiles sweetly. I do the same. He goes back to tending to his fangirls. Once he's done he goes to sit next to me. "Hey!" He says as he sit down placing his bag. "Hey!" I say. I feel the stares of his fangirls. "Are you sure you're okay though? I saw you were on a different path to school than usual." He says with a concerned eyes. "I'll tell you later." I whisper as I hear our homeroom teacher start talking about classes for the day. *time skip to lunch* "Hey Iwa-Chan, Y/N-Chan! " Tooru says as he sits down. "Hi Tooru." I say while Hajime and Izumi-Chan looks between me and Tooru. "What happened with you guys? Are you guys dating or something?" As soon as Hajime said that me and Tooru goes all red faced and embarrassed. "N-no!!" We shout at the same time." Hajime and Izumi-Chan smirk at the same time then look at eachother. "Hey, me and Hajime are gonna go sit by the team. You guys sit here." Izumi-Chan says as they pick up their lunches in unison. Me and Tooru are just sitting here dumbfounded. They walk away, and we just sit here awkwardly. "U-umm... Hi." Tooru says with absolute awkwardness. "H-hi." I say back. Little do we know Hajime and Izumi-Chan are watching right around the corner. "W-wanna go for ice cream after practice?" He says again looking away blushing. HAJIME POV "Oikawa totally likes Y/N-Chan!!" Izumi-San says excitedly. "Okay your not gonna believe this, but Oikawa told me he likes Y/N!" I say to Izumi-san as she's fawning over the ship. "So we gotta get them to confess their love! I'm quite certain Y/N-Chan likes him!" Izumi-San says excitedly. Why is Izumi-San so cute? Y/N POV "Sure! Same ice cream shop?" I say excitedly. "No, a different one." He says looking proud. I feel the fangirls' stares behind me. "M'k. Let's meet at the gate after practice." *timeskip after practice* I walk towards the gate to see Tooru standing there leaning against the gate on his phone. I start to wave then call out his name. "Toor-" I was soon pulled back with hand on my mouth and a headband covering my eyes. "So you want to be close to our Oikawa-San?" A voice says and it echoes making me guess we're in the bathroom. Not to mention the duck tape on my mouth. The headband is pulled back and my guess is correct but that's not my main concern. The lead girl in front many others is holding a blade. What do I do? TOORU'S POV She should be here by now.. maybe I should go check the gyms and stuff. I head to the gym and it's empty and the lights are turned off. Hm? I head to the locker room and knock and ask if anyone's there. Nothing. I start to get worried. I go to check the bathroom closest to the gym and locker rooms. I yell out to the bathroom "ANYONE IN THERE?" I hear a few "Oh no! Oikawa-Sans here!" And then a muffled scream. I run in and I see a bunch of fangirls and... Y/N. I run over to her starting to cry I untape her mouth and she starts to whimper as she cries. I help her up. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" I yell at the despicable fangirls and a few of the girls flinch but I don't care they did this to Y/N and that isn't forgivable. Y/N POV I cry as I watch Tooru protect me. He picks me up bridal style, as I have cuts on my leg. Once we get away he puts me down and starts crying hysterically. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know they were so mean. I'm so so so so sorry Y/N!" He says while wiping his tears. I weakly smile and say it's okay. "Help me up and help me to the infirmary so I can tend to my wounds." He nods and helps me up. As soon as we get there while Tooru gets the stuff I need to help my wounds I text Tobio to tell my auntie and uncle I'll be home late. He texts back right away 'okay'. Tooru walks over and opens the kit. "It's okay, I can do it." I say. "No, I caused this. I caused you pain. That's not forgivable." "Tooru, it's okay real-" I start to say but he cuts me off. "No! It's not!" I see tears well up in his eyes again. I frown as he tends to my wounds. As he finishes he asks me if I can walk and I say yes. We walk out and start walking home. He says he'll walk me home. I try to say no but he just keeps saying yes. How persistent. When I get home Tooru looks confused. "Don't you live down the street?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "I live with my aunt, uncle, and cousin now. It's a long story I'll tell you later." I say smiling. As soon as I say this Tobio walks out. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" He asks quite loudly totally ignoring Tooru. "I'm fine I just fell. I went for ice cream with Tooru." I say while I notice Tooru looking at Tobio with despising eyes. "Oh... WAIT. OIKAWA-SAN?" he yells. "Shushhh. Yes. Problem?" I say. "Well it's been a while Tobio-chan." Tooru says as he looks at Tobio with a smirk. Tobio frowns and says hi. I smack the back of Tooru's head and tell him to stop glaring at Tobio. He frowns with fake sad eyes and I laugh. I tell Tobio to go inside and he follows my orders. "Goodnight Tooru. I'll see you at school." I go on my tiptoes and kiss him on the cheek. I head towards the door and wave to a blushing dumbfounded Tooru before I enter. *timeskip after practice the next day* I walk out of the changing room to see Tooru standing there with a ear bud in. He looks up to see me and takes his ear bud out. "Wanna actually go for ice cream this time?" He asks me. "Sure. Let's go!" I say while walking away he jogs to catch up to me. Halfway there Tooru asks me if I want to see this really cool garden and we can take our ice cream to go. I say yes and we arrive at the ice cream shop. This one is much more traditional but I order green tea ice cream as usual and it tastes even better. Tooru pays and we leave the shop. I finish my cone right before we get to the garden. It's so pretty. There's roses, poseys, lilacs, sunflowers, and more that I recognize. We are about to sit down as it starts to rain. He pulls a medium sized alien umbrella out. "How childish!" I say while laughing. He blushes and opens the umbrella and holds it above our heads. As it's not that big we have to squeeze together to fit under it. "Y/N.." Tooru says as he blushes. "Yes?" I say obliviously. "I know I can be rude and childish and annoying. But I like you. Your nice, your funny, your bold, not to mention beautiful. So I really like you. I know I don't deserve your lov-" I stop him as I pull him down by the collar and I kiss him. We stop kissing after a few seconds and he wipes thumb across my bottom lip and holds my face. "I like you too." I say. "Your so beautiful" he says as he leans back down to kiss me. The umbrella falls and we get rained on. I don't even care at this perfect moment. This is beautiful. This is true love. He leans back and asks me to be his girlfriend while still holding my face. I say yes and we kiss once again. *3 months later* Me and Tooru have been dating for three months now, and Izumi-Chan and Hajime have been dating for two months. I've told Tooru all about my past. Tooru comes to pick me up every morning and walks me to and from school. He comes to all my games unless he has a family event or a game of his own and I do the same. Auntie and uncle like him, Tobio is okay with it. Tooru has spent a few nights over and I've spent a few nights over at his house. His parents also like me. I've had to smack him behind the head quite a few times at my house because of him teasing Tobio. He doesn't talk to fangirls anymore and we practice volleyball together. A LOT. I love him and he loves me. This is our happy ending.