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Sorry, this story was extremely rushed. And I didn't have many ideas, but I hope you still enjoy it.

Hero's were meant to save people, not kill them.

Yet oddly enough she found herself staring at the remains of what used to be her home. The same home in which she laughed and cried and all that goes in between. The same home in which her parents raised her in. The same parents which were lying motionless in the remains of that home.

But all she could do was stare, she couldn't react, couldn't show anything on her face besides the brief second of her eyes widening. She was Ladybug, she wasn't supposed to know the Dupain-Cheng's, she didn't have any relationship with them. And even if her civilian persona did she couldn't let anyone know that.

But that didn't stop the rally of emotions that went with it. What was first shock and fear at seeing her parents dead and home destroyed quickly turned into a rage she didn't know she was capable of feeling. Her hands shook violently as she faced Superman.

He as well as Hawkgirl and Green Lantern had crashed into the city during an akuma attack, trying to take over the situation. Ladybug had called for assistance from the Justice League over a year ago, and they decided to show up now. Apparently the Justice League had decided to go through their recycling bin and found all of her pleas for help.
But she didn't want nor need their help anymore.

Superman was supposed to be a hero, not a killer. Yet she found herself staring at the man who killed her parents. Superman had thrown a car at the akuma, but they dodged it and in turn hit the house behind it which just so happened to be her home.

Superman had the audacity to come up to the young heroine and tell her she was not needed anymore. To tell her that the Justice League had the situation handled. To tell her that she was too young to understand anything. And he smiled, he killed her parents and he smiled.

All Marinette could see was red. "No, you do not get to tell me what to do! I called for help over a year ago and now you decide to show up when your help is no longer needed or least of all wanted. You do not get to come into my home and take over a situation you have no business in or understand! And you say I'm too young to understand any of this and yet you seem to be the one who isn't getting it. If you think I'm too young then where were you when I was thirteen? Where were you when I was given no other choice but to take up the mantle or watch my loved ones die? Where were you and your so-called hero's when I needed you!? You have no right to come into my city, and claim I'm too young when you were no help in the situation. If anything you're making it worse." She took a breath and stared at the blue scouts face that seemed to have a resemblance of a shocked expression.

But she wasn't done, she leaned into his personal space and gave a glare that could put Batman's to shame. "You know what Superman, everyone believes you to be a hero, the good guy fighting for the 'greater good'. But I know what you are, it's all for show. You're a coward and that's all you'll ever be."

Once she was done she turned around and was met with reporters videoing the whole ordeal. She almost wanted to laugh at the expression on his face. But she realised something that day, the Justice League was all about politics and power, nothing else. She hated heroes, even if she was one herself.


The Justice League have been found to have ignored the Parisian heroine Ladybugs' pleas for help, and over a year later Superman, Hawkgirl and Green Lantern stormed the country to try and take over the situation. Now a hero ban has been placed over Paris until the situation has been concluded.

It was the news headline for weeks.

"Hero's"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora