Chapter 1

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"Mads it's time to get up" nate screamed jumping on top of me

"Nate get the fuck out" I said pushing him out the door

"No can do baby sis" he said tickling me

"Nate fucking stop" I screamed

"Come on get ready it's the last day of school" he said poking my cheek

"Fine I will be down in a second" I said getting up and going to the bathroom, I quickly got undressed from my pjs and hopped into the shower

Once I was finished my shower I hoped out and wrapped a towel around my body, I started brushing my hair then curling it when I was done with my hair I started doing my makeup which consists of eyeliner foundation and mascara. I finished doing my hair and makeup and went into my room and got on my clothes which was a black leather skater skirt and a white crop top it only showed a little bit of my belly. I slipped on my galaxy vans and walked down the stairs to see my family eating breakfast.

"Finally" my father said looking up at me

"Sorry" I said with attitude sitting down at the table

"Dad who cares Ya not like she matters" my little brother Stewart said and I just gave him the middle finger and just sat there while everyone was eating, I didn't eat because i don't get hungry in the mornings but Nate always try's to make me.

"Mad aren't you going to eat some of your breakfast" my mom asked

"No I'm not really hungry" I said

"Come on mad eat it" Nate said sternly

"Fine" I said taking a few bites of my eggs

"Why she's fat enough" Stewart said

"Stewart do you want to shut the fuck up" I screamed

"Madison language" my mom said

"Someone's on their period" Stewart said making mad

"Stew I will literally go over their and kick your ass" I said getting up

"Madison sit down" Nate said but I didn't listen I just walked away and grabbed my back pack walking out of the house,i was walking down the street thinking of what I'm going to do when nates gone Ya sure we fight a lot but he's the only person I like in my crazy family.

"Yo mads wait up" someone said making me turn around to see my best friends Maggie

"Hey mags what up" I asked walking with her

"Oh nothing much! So there's this party tonight at Jacobs you in"

"Hell Ya I'm in" I said with a huge smile

"Ok so I will pick you up at 7:30 since the party starts at 8:00" she said as we walked in the school

"Ok well Nate's leaving at that time so we're good" I said

"Ok well I will see you at lunch" she said walking away


At lunch

"Hey" mags said sitting down at the table I was at

"Yo how's the last day of school going for Ya" I asked looking up at her

"Boring as usual" she said sighing

"True" I said

The rest of lunch was just talking and laughing. Mags and I didn't have a whole pack of friends like we had them but they are annoying as fuck so it's just usually us two which is fine

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