Chapter Seven

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The medicine cat rushed over to the younger she-cat and crouched down next to her nest, green eyes wide and excited. Birdpaw knew instantly where the conversation was going.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The older she-cat almost squealed.

"Tell you what?" Asked the younger she-cat warily.

"You and Dewpaw!" She purred before continuing on, "I mean we all kind of suspected it, but I certainly didn't think it would actually be now! You two are both so sweet together, I can just imagine -".

"We aren't anything," dead-panned Birdpaw, interrupting before the medicine cat could go down that path, "and what do you mean 'we all'?"

"Well," smiled Flowerstem, looking about as excited as a kit with a moss ball, "I mean, me, Whiskerstar, Chiveleaf, though she was more complaining about having little Bir-".

"That is most certainly not happening," interrupted the apprentice, glaring at the older she-cat, "Dewpaw and I are just friends."

"That is what Whiskerstar and I thought," reminded the medicine cat, "and look! Now we have our own kits." Birdpaw glared at her so hard that her eyes must be almost closed.

"I am not having kits," she huffed, the older she-cat grinning at her, "and Dewpaw and I are and always will be 'just friends'."

"We'll see about that," interrupted a voice and the apprentice almost jumped out of her skin, thinking it was Dewpaw, but it was just Whiskerstar. She glared at him and mouthed 'traitor', which just caused his to grin.

"What are you doing here?" Purred Flowerstem, looking up with a piece of wet moss in her mouth.

"I just came to see how my apprentice was going," he replied, still grinning, "though it seems like I walked in on a interesting conversation."

Oh how she was going to rip him to shreds next training session.

"Yes," agreed the medicine cat, looking back over at the medicine cat, "it was quite interesting." Birdpaw swung her glare over at the older-she cat.

"You know," suggested Whiskerstar, causing his apprentice to look over at him, "I could go get Chiveleaf if you like. I am sure she could contribute to the conversation."

"Don't. You. Dare." Growled the apprentice before he could make a move to the den exit. He grinned but dropped the conversation, thank StarClan.

"When will she be ready to go back to training?" Asked the tom and Birdpaw was grateful that someone at least agreed with her, though she wasn't about to declare it after he had just sided with Flowerstem in 'the conversation'.

"Not until I say so," sighed the medicine cat as if they didn't understand the concept of healing, "it will at least be three days."

"Three day!?" Repeated both mentor and apprentice.

"Yes," confirmed the medicine cat, "three days." The apprentice groaned and Whiskerstar gave her a look of sympathy, though she wasn't going to forgive him that easily.

"Look on the positive side," suggested the tom, "at least you two get to chat more about toms."

"I am going to kill you," the younger she-cat hissed, glaring at him and Whiskerstar took that as his opportunity to quickly leave the den.

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