20. Finding Reyna

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I was sitting back at Camp Jupiter. I was talking to some blond kid, Jason. This kid is really cute. He was also ruling New Rome like I was. Maybe we can be something. No Reyna, let it go. Jason was flirting with me! I can't just 'Let it go'. 

The scene drifted. Jason was gone. He's been missing for quite a while now. I look like a mess, I feel like running away to find him and bring him back. Octavian says he's not worth running away for. Hazel and Frank walked in the room with a new demigod.

This demigod had messy black hair and a orange shirt. He was cute, but not my type. I don't want to see anybody but Jason. "This is Percy." Octavian announced. I looked at Percy with hate. I didn't want a 'Percy', I want a 'Jason'. 

"Juno brought him here." Octavian told me. "I'm aware of that." I said trying to hide my shock face. 

The scene changed again. I was with Hazel, Frank, Percy, and 4 other demigods that arrived in a war ship. The Argo ll. Jason was holding the hand of a girl with chopy brown hair. Who is she? Why was Jason with her?

Percy was kissing some blond chick, typical. I soon learned that her name was Annabeth. Jason's new girlfriend's name was Piper. And doofus looking kid was Leo.

I woke up. I was slowy recovering my memory in dreams. I just had a dream about my past. Jason broke my heart. I was crazy for him, and he left with some other girl? Whatever, I'm dating Nico. I don't care about Jason, screw him. I can't believe I was friends with him. Well, its not my fault I lost my memory.

Wow, i can't believe the old me liked Jason. ewwww, its sick. What was wrong with me?

~5 minutes later~

I'm still mentally killing myself for liking Jason freaking Grace. Wow, the old me was stupid. Something else about the old me: I was so serious. Why was I so serious? Should I act serious now even though that was just the old me? Nah, the old me was serious, not the present me. 

Woah, I spent all this time thinking about my old crush, I totally forgot that I was locked in this dark room. I was all the way in the corner, next to a lit up candle. Why the Pluto is it so dark in here? Oh, would you look at that, I saying the names of the Roman gods.

How long have I've been here? "Hello? Anybody here? I'm really hungry, I can't just starve here!" I yelled. "Hey lady, Shut the fuck up!" A deep voice yelled from outside the room. "How rude. Do you know who I am?" I yelled. According to the very few memories about my past life, I was the ruler of New Rome. Right?

"I'm the ruler of New Rome! I demand you to let me go!" I yelled. "I don't give of crap!" The voice yelled. This person is really mean. "Alright fine. But when I get out of here, I'll have my army kill you first!" I yelled.

If I was the ruler of New Rome, I must have an army. Right? "Sure, whatever." The voice said. I sat the staring at the fire "Octavian?"


Getting passed the gates was easy. We were walking down the streets of Manhattan. "Here is a funny question." I paused. "How the Hera are we going to find Reyna without knowing where she is exactly?" I asked

Annabeth looked at me. "That's your job, you need to find out where she is." Annabeth said. "How the Zeus will I do that?" I asked. Percy bought tickets for the bus, looks like we're going to California. "You need to do that thing Percy does with Grover. They can communicate in their dreams."

"That's crazy. And why are we going to California?" I asked. "It's crazy but possible and we are going to Camp Jupiter, thats why." Annabeth answered. "Okay, why are we going to Camp Jupiter?" I asked.

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