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"This was a lesson, kitten. Like they say, pretty faces don't equal pretty hearts" He said, smirking at her yet his eyes begged her to stay.

Like every others, Nyora Servell had secrets of her own, some which might break her beyond repair and some which might bring hell on earth. Yet her heart was gold, and her soul was heaven. And she was too kind for a sinner like him.

They say every saint was once a sinner and every sinner has a future and he did, but the catch was he was and will still be a sinner.

Feared and Respected, Nizrael Enzo Carloni, was the devil in disguise. He owned the world and people bowed Infront of him. And darling, remember a man with charm is a dangerous thing.


"He wasn't just pretty. He was cruel and vaguely threatening"

"You slowly realize that you weren't meant to save the world, you were meant to destroy it"

The Sinner's InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now