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Third Person's POV

"Mirabel?!" Julieta yelled while they are looking for her daughter after Casita fall down. You can hear voices everywhere, desperately trying to find Mirabel, even the citizens tried to help them but still failed.

"Don't give up yet. Look for her continously" Abuela ordered everybody. Even she, is sick worried for Mirabel, regretting all she had done to Mirabel after seeing that she tried to save the miracle even it cost her own life. "Mirabel" another voice failed to receive a response.

"Where is she?" Luisa asked to Isabela, hoping that she'll get a positive answer. "I-i don't know" Trace of sadness in their eyes can be seen, but still continued to search for Mirabel again. Everyone is serious for looking, even Camilo that is a crackhead, refused to play in a serious time like this. Well, no one would. He tried his best to look tough while searching but deep inside, he wants to cry. He wants to cry if he finds out that something bad happen to his cousin that's also his best friend. Well, he's not the only one who don't wanna lose her, theres the whole Madrigal family, the little kids and everyone.

After a few minutes of searching.

"Mirabel!" Camilo then again yelled. He waited a few seconds for a response but thought that he failed, he was about to leave when "H-hey" A voice that he have been wanting to hear, but something's off. He ran towards the voice smiling but with tears flowing down his eyes. He saw Mirabel sitting down knees up to her chest, looking at him while under something that looks like the window of their Casita.

"MIRABEL!! Thank goodness you're all right" He kneeled near her but stood up again "EVERYONE, I FOUND HER" as soon as everyone heard what he said, they came rushing to where they are. "There she is!" "Thank goodness" "MIRABEL!" Julieta came while crying. "Are you alright? Do you have scratches? Bruises? Injury" an endless question Mirabel received, but only saying "-urt" "Huh? What do you mean ?"

Her mom asked worriedly, Camilo and the other family members are watching them with worry in their eyes. "I-it hu-hurt" Mirabel said weakly. Camilo immediately kneeled "Where?" Mirabel was about to answer but got interrupted with a violent cough. "EVERYONE, COME AND GET THESE BRICKS AND WOODS NEAR AND ON HER!" Alma again ordered but everyone willingly did as she commanded.

"Urgh-" Mirabel let out a groan that caught his cousin, Camilo's attention. "Hey, don't worry, you'll be fine. Everything's gonna be alright" He stood up again to remove the two windows that protected her, but his reaction that was a happy one,  turned upside down.

She has a lot of blood in her forehead that they just noticed, blood all over her dress that was white, but is now dark red. Scratches all over her arms and legs and the most painful thing to watch. A wood that impaled her through the back. Everyone gasped at what they were seeing, but Camilo burst into tears that he was holding back all this time.

"NO!!" He panicked, Luisa couldn't move at the sight as well as Isabela and their cousins. Julieta passed out in Agustin's arms but also crying of his daughter's condition. Alma breaking down while blaming herself of what happened. Antonio grabbed Mirabels hands and cried. " S-sorry I-i couldn't s-save t-the m-m-miracle" Mirabel said while smiling but no emotion can be seen in her eyes.

"No! It's not you fault" Alma managed to blurt out through her sobs. "IDIOT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT THING!?" Camilo couldn't help but yell. "T-to make m-my family p-proud" Everyone even burst to tears, Alma remembering that she told her that. Mirabel coughed desperately only this time, with blood. Camilo watched in shock. "L-looks like I-i d-dont have t-that much time" Alma shook her head refusing the words to enter her mind.

"No! You're not gonna die! DID SOMEONE ALREADY CALLED A DOCTOR?" "Yes" Mirabel smiled at everyone. "No need" she tried her best to grab Camilo's face. "T-take g-good care o-of your-self, Cuz" "Y-you too A-antonio" "Sorry, Abuela" "Papa, don't leave Mama" "Isa and Luisa, I've always loved you and always will" "T-take care everyone, I-i f-failed to b-become a Madrigal" with that, everyone burst into tears even more(as possible)

Alma couldn't stop staring at Mirabel, Isabela hugging Luisa, Julieta kneeling while crying, Dolores sitting in the corner, crying silently, Pepa and Felix calming Antonio and Camilo hugging his cousin. "Why? I thought you'll never leave me? You promised me, right? What happened? How dare you break it before I could have the chance to" Camilo didn't care if anyone is seeing him in that state. He was hoping for another response but didn't get one. He just cried there not letting go off of her for seconds-maybe minutes. "Why? You Idiot!" "Y-you're cold"

Sorry if it's shitty but I cried by just imagining it🙂

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