Chapter 4: Marking his territory

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Todoroki's pov


Falls at a steady speed, sometimes fast or slow. The heavy rain pours down making loud noises. Clouds are sad and angry. They cry and punch until it's just gone. Just like our feelings, eventually gone into nothing.


So high up in the sky. Fluffy but so far away. People think angels live on top of them. But the clouds are unique, they all look different. If only I could simply touch a cloud.


They're something that some people believe in. They are the ones that are good like us heros. But the only way to be one is to be off of the world. Death was the only way, which most people are scared of.


We are on our way back to the dorms. Bakugou was holding my hand while I walked a bit behind him. The autumn air is started to get cooler. Winter is almost here, which means my birthday is soon.

My whole life we never really did anything for it. When my mother was with us we celebrated everything like a normal family. But then that house became cold and frightening.

My father was always out of the house. He never really took care of me and my siblings.

Fuyumi took care of me and Natsuo. But as we grew older I was left alone. Fuyumi was there but barely talked to me. She helped me when I was injured, and cooked for me.

Bakugou reminded me of her. He knew how to cook and take care of me. The difference is that he cared more. Also he loves me differently.

But I feel like he has to take care of me too much. Lots of things have happened recently that make me think that.

He even worries too much. Soon he'll worry himself until he gets sick. Hopefully he isn't stressed about anything.

Bakugou opens the door to the common room. Only a few people are here. Iida, Kirishima, Denki, and Jirou are the ones here. Everyone else must be in their dorm or something.

Denki and Jirou are flirting in the kitchen. Iida is trying to get them to stop and Kirishima is holding Iida back. It was a common sight to see honestly.

Denki flirts with a lot of people, but Jirou was the main one. Iida doesn't really like seeing much. We should all have boring lives. -_-

We quickly went to the elevator trying to be unnoticed. Then we got in the elevator, and the doors closed.

I wrapped my arms around Bakugou's neck. Then put my head in the side of his neck.

He chuckled,"Do you need something Icyhot."

"No, I'm just tired."

He nodded and grabbed my chin making me look up at him. He kissed my cheek which made me blush.

"You're eyes look sparkly, they're pretty." He commented

I blushed more, he never gives me any compliments. The elevator doors opened and we went to our dorm room.

The moment I walked in he kissed me softly. His gentle but passionate lips were irresistible.

I broke the kiss and smiled brightly. He dragged me in front of the mirror and pulled my turtle neck down and started making a hickey.

"Baku~ what are you doing?"

"I'm just marking my territory."


Thank you everyone for reading! Next chapter should be longer since I'm going to be starting the huge twist! What do you guys think is going to happen?

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