Oh Lei, Oh Li, Oh Lord!

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(dunno if it counts as a song fic? Also Ik it's a Venti cover and not a Lumine cover (you'll see why in a second) But idk I guess I just wanted to give ya'll a song to listen to? IDK!!!!)

Lumine was walking back into Mondstat after a morning of hunting and foraging. She hoped to sell the ingredients to Sara. She worked at Good Hunter and hopefully they would accept Lumine's ingredients. 

She placed the bag of food on the counter. "Morning!" Lumine said. "Good morning." Sara replied taking the bag down, and leaving a few mora in it's place. Lumine pocketed the money, and watched as a cat strolled by.

"Aww! Hey there kitty kitty!" Lumine cooed at the cat, letting it sniff her hand. After a few curious sniffs it rubbed it's head against her hand, and she knew that was a sign it wanted cuddles. She stroked it's silky grey fur and as it purred, she heard a sneeze.

It was very petite and cute. It came from behind the corner of Good Hunter. 

Lumine thought the sneeze sounded like a cat. After all, who could posses a sneeze so tiny and cute?

She watched the corner waiting to see what, or who would emerge. To a surprise it wasn't a cat.

It was however, a bard with a green cape and a drinking problem. One who had been very sweet to her the previous night.  He glared at the cat Lumine was petting, before realizing she was there.

"Hey Lumine." Venti said. He sounded slightly congested and she assumed it was from the cat.

"Hi Venti!" She said after he gave another petite sneeze. Admittedly, even after Lumine found out who the sneeze was coming from, she still found it adorable. 

"This cat here is making it very difficult to preform." Venti vented. (😅) 

"I can sing." Lumine said. There it is. The need to always help people and not think about what she needed. The one thing Paimon was always complaining about. (Well, that and being hungry.)

"Really?" Venti asked her hopefully and Lumine smiled. "Yeah, of course. I used to sing all the time with... my brother." Lumine thought about why she was here. In this world. Of the brother that she had lost.

"Lumine..." Venti started seeing her expression shift from happy to melancholy. 

"No, no, I'm fine." Lumine shook her head and assured him. "What do I need to sing?" She asked. 

Venti played his lyre by the statue of himself. (He honestly didn't like the statue. He thought it was too... flashy) But alas, that's where crowds gather, so that's where he goes. Lumine had gone with him, of course. She was worried as more people started to gather. 

Venti could sense this, and put a hand on her shoulder. Something that didn't calm her down, if anything, made her more flustered. 

"You'll do great, Lumine. I know you will." He reassured. She gave him a grateful look and he began to play his lyre. 

A hush fell over the crowd as began. The tune began to pick up, and a few people who knew the song began clapping along to the beat. 

Lumine closed her eyes, listening to the sound, as she tried to wipe her worries away as he began singing. 

"There will come a solider,

who carries a mighty sword!

He will tear your city down, 

oh lei oh lai oh lord!"

Lumine sang. Her fear slowly starting to fade away as she saw the crowds pleasure already.

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord!

He will tear your city down,

oh lei oh lai oh lord!"

The crowd started to cheer, and Lumine's fear was gone completly. Venti played beautifully, and the song continued.

"There will come a poet

whose weapon is his words!

He will slay you with his tongue, 

oh lei oh lai oh lord!"

The crowd began to dance with each other, while a few kids sang along. Lumine grabbed a hand of an onlooker and danced with them. 

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord!

He will slay you with his tongue

oh lei of lai oh lord!"

Venti giggled as he watched Lumine dance happily with the crowd. Everyone was smiling, but the one he was most focused on was Lumine's. He continued to play. 

"There will come a ruler, 

whose brow is laid in thorn!

smeared with oil, 

like David's boy!

oh lei of lai oh lord!

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord!

smeared with oil,

like David's boy!

oh lei oh lai oh lord!"

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord!

He will tear your city down."

Everyone joined for this part

"oh lei oh laaaaaaaaaaaai!"

Just Lumine now


Venti continued playing and the crowd cheered. 

He giggled at Lumine's joy. She heard, and found the sound to be adorable. 

"C'mon Lumine!" Venti said and the crowd cheered as Lumine picked up the final parts of the song. 

"oh leeei oh laaaaaai

oh leeei oh laaaaaai"

It was a good thing that Venti knew this song by heart, because when he heard Lumine sing this part he was completely blown away at her beauty. The way the sun reflected her golden hair, the way the wind blew through it slightly. The way her beautiful eyes met his as a huge smile shinned across her face. Everything about her was just beautiful

"oh leeei oh laaaaaai

oh leeei oh laaaaaai"

Everyone joined in for the final part of the song.

"oh leeei oh laaaaaai

oh leeei oh laaaaaai"

Just Lumine now. 


The crowd cheered at their performance. Lumine smiled at Venti, laughing, just filled with joy. The crowd started to fade now, each with a large smile on their face. Lumine and Venti stayed together. The cat had been far enough away now, that his allergies were gone. 

"Your performance was beautiful." Venti said. 

"You where the one doing all the work." Lumine said gesturing at the lyre. "But, thank you Venti... I haven't sang like that since I've lost my brother." 

Venti felt sympathy towards her. After all, he knew what it was like to lose someone you loved dearly. But unlike him, she had a chance. He was determined to find her brother for her. 

"Don't worry, Lumine, we'll find him." He grabbed Lumine's hand, and she grabbed his free hand in hers. 

"Thank you Venti."

(*Sparkly eyed Venti emoji* This chapter was so fun to write!!! Ik it was just lyrics mostly, but I am giving you the whole book by the time you read this so, I think I can get away with it. This was an awesome chapter to write, I really really REALLY loved it, so I hoped you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it.!!!)

Farewell!    -Alkaline Water

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