Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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Y/N's POV:

Today is Y/N's first day on campus after her parents had left. Classes had not yet begun, but today was the day that she would meet her roommate. This was one of her chief worries, as she had always feared not getting along with her college roommate or that she would always have "guests" over. She was glad that today was the day that this worry would either be confirmed or resolved.

Y/N decided to go to the on-campus coffee shop to see how good the coffee and pastries were, and to also take her mind off of her worries. This was highly important since Y/N was a connoisseur of all things coffee. In fact, one of her favorite hobbies was visiting new coffee shops and trying out different drinks. She would often spend hours at a time in one shop, sipping a hot drink (or the occasional iced), and having her nose in a book.

Today, she was beginning a new novel called "A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara. She had been recommended this book by one of her best friends back home, but was also told that it could be traumatizing for the emotionally unstable. She decided to take on this challenge, even though she herself was not in a great mental state. I mean, how could she ever decline a challenge?

Once Y/N had gotten inside the campus coffee shop and received her medium white chocolate mocha, she sat down at a domestic-looking turquoise couch with a marble table beside it. She pulled out the novel and began to read with caution. She had not noticed that a raven-haired beauty with the greenest of eyes had walked into the shop and sat down across from her, as she was so engrossed in the beginning of her novel.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that you are reading one of my most favorite novels. I hope someone warned you about its traumatic nature," said the beautiful woman with a smile on her face, in contrast to what she had just mentioned.

Y/N looked up from her book to gaze at the woman across from her who had just spoken with a very intriguing accent, which Y/N guessed to be Irish. Under normal circumstances, Y/N would not have appreciated being interrupted when she was in a reading trance, but something about this woman struck her as different.

"Oh yes, my best friend back home recommended it to me and I have been thoroughly warned. I decided against heeding her warnings; I can never decline a challenge. Besides, can it really be that bad? I mean you said it was your favorite, right?" Y/N responded, wondering how a novel that could do such emotional damage could be someone's favorite.

The woman laughed, apparently thinking this question to be amusing. "Well yes, but someone should never read it unless they are prepared to be broken for a long while after. It is wonderfully written and has great meaning; however, that meaning does not come without a cost."

Y/N thought about this for a moment before continuing, "I understand what you mean, but I will most definitely be finishing the novel because it is already so captivating. And, as I said before, I can never decline a challenge." Y/N marked her place and set down her book, accepting that she would not be reading any more of it as long as this woman was willing to keep conversation with her.

"You seem to be a very persistent person, Y/N," the beauty grinned.

Y/N was surprised for a moment that she new her name, but then realized that she must have seen it written on her coffee cup in the barista's messy handwriting. After noticing this, she glanced down at the other woman's cup, trying to read the name there in return. However, she had no luck, as the side where it would be written was turned away from her.

"And you are very observant, beautiful woman with the enchanting eyes," Y/N replied smugly. "Do you have a name, or should I just call you that?"

She laughed warmly and a blush crept onto her cheeks at the word beautiful. "While I do enjoy that name, it seems only fair that I should give you my actual name since I now have yours. I'm Katie."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," Y/N smiled and looked deeply into Katie's eyes for a moment, noticing how they looked to be a sage green one moment, and an almost light blue the next.

Once again, Y/N had made Katie blush with that word, and the warmth on her cheeks made her feel embarrassed. It must have been obvious that she was attracted to Y/N. Another woman had never complimented her in this way or made her feel how she felt in that moment. She had also never met someone who was quite this forward, and yet somewhat mysterious at the same time. She was intrigued and wished to know more about this woman who was quite blunt in her compliments.

"You keep surprising me with your bluntness," Katie spoke softly. "I have never had someone speak to me in this manner, but I can definitely say that I am enjoying it."

Y/N smiled and could feel her own cheeks redden slightly. She also could not help but be surprised that no one had talked to Katie like this. She was very stunning, after all. "No one has ever spoken to you like this? Like giving you compliments?" Y/N asked, somewhat confused at this.

"Aside from the obligatory compliments from friends and family, no one has really ever called me beautiful. I didn't really date all that much back home, as my family doesn't entirely approve of my lifestyle. I dated boys when I was younger, but I never felt anything for them and they only dated me because they pitied me, I suppose," Katie said all of this in a rushed manner and then realized what she had just said, her eyes widening slightly. "I'm sorry, that was probably a bit much for a first meeting." She glanced at her feet, trying not to see the look on your face.

You frowned at all of this, wondering how someone so beautiful and charming could ever be a disappointment to anyone. But then again, you did understand her struggles. You decided on a whim to get up from your couch and move to where she was sitting. "Katie," you spoke gently and quietly so that no one else could hear. "there is no need to be sorry. I understand your struggles completely, I am just baffled that someone as gorgeous as you could have never received the attention and love that you deserve."

Katie looked up at you, and you noticed that her eyes had turned glassy, as though she was tearing up. As quickly as it was there, it had disappeared. You noted that she must have spent years perfecting the act of concealing her emotions.

"You are too kind Y/N," she whispered and gently placed her hand on top of yours, where it rested on your thigh. Your stomach jumped at the touch, as though there were butterflies dancing around in there. For a moment, the two of you just stared into each others' eyes and smiled at the feelings both of you were hoping that the other reciprocated.

You were somewhat confused at how the conversation about a traumatic novel had ended up here, but you definitely weren't going to complain. You had already made a deep connection with someone on campus, and many of your fears were now somehow resolved.

A/N: This is my first published story, so please be kind!! However, any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I was unsure if this was too much too quickly, but the writing just flowed, so I decided to keep it. I hope you all enjoyed! I also may unfortunately be slow to update because of school, so please be patient!

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