Peter P X Y/N

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Y/N is Peter's girlfriend. She knows about him being Spider-Man, but he doesn't know that she has a secret identity too. Peter's girlfriend is a semi-famous singer named Phoenix who always wears a mask when she performs. Tony Stark is one of the only people that knows who Phoenix is because he helps keep Phoenix completely anonymous.
OC decides to tell Peter that she's Phoenix, but Tony convinced her to wait until the right moment, which he of course creates by having Phoenix perform at Peter's school.

Even though I hate being the center of attention, I've always loved to sing and perform. (I know how weird it sounds, but it's true.) 

One day, I was at Avengers Tower. I was alone, so I sang as I did stuff around the kitchen. Apparently, Tony was testing out some new security system at the time and ended up recording my singing. Of course, being Tony, he posted it online without telling me, and the video blew up. Fortunately, there was no way to see my face, and there was no way to figure out who posted the video. If anyone knows how to stay anonymous online, it's Tony Stark. 

Tony eventually showed me the video and convinced me to give performing a shot. My only condition was that I stay completely anonymous. Tony agreed, and ever since, he's helped me keep my identity a secret by helping me create Phoenix. 

It was a couple years after that when I met Peter Parker. We hit it off right away, and it wasn't long before we started dating. We were about six month into our relationship when he told me he was Spiderman. It wasn't really a surprise to me since we both spend a lot of time at Avengers Tower (him as either Spiderman or a Stark Industries Intern and me as a long time family friend of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts). 

After him telling me about being Spiderman, I wanted to tell him about me being Phoenix, but I didn't know how. Eventually, I went to Tony for advice, and he came up with a plan. A plan that involved me performing a charity concert at Peter's school. 

I still don't know how Tony talked me into it, but here I was, getting ready to perform at my boyfriend's school. The only downside being he doesn't know it's me. 

I peeked out from behind the stage, getting a look at the crowd forming in front of the stage. There weren't too many people, but it was still a decent sized crowd for such a small event. 

My eyes scanned the people, looking for one face in particular. It didn't take long for me to find my boyfriend, Peter, and his best friend, Ned, standing in the crowd. I was just about to leave to finish getting ready for the show when someone shoved Peter and Ned out of the way. It was Flash. I didn't go to the same school as Peter, but I had met him at the end of the day enough times to recognize the bully. 

Flash and his goons purposefully stood in front of Peter and Ned, all but completely blocking their view of the stage. I narrowed my eyes at the bullies. Between what I just saw and the stories I'd managed to convince Peter to tell me, I really wished that I could go out there and give them a piece of my mind. 

Knowing there was nothing I could do, I headed back to the storage area where I'd put my stuff to finish getting ready for the show. 

I had just finished putting on my mask when Tony walked in. 

"You ready?" he asked. I sighed. "What's up?" he asked. 

"Nothing important," I said. Tony just crossed his arms and gave me a look. 

"Fine," I relented, knowing he wasn't going to let it go. I told Tony all about Flash, how he bullied Peter and Ned and how there wasn't anything I could do about it. 

"Hmmm," Tony said, a mischievous smirk growing on his face, "Maybe there is something you can do about it." 

"Have you guys had fun tonight?!" I smiled as the crowd cheered. "That's good to hear. Now, we only have time for one more song tonight, so I wanna hear you make some noise!" The crowd cheered even louder as the music started right on cue. 

For the entire song, I kept my eyes on Peter and Flash, waiting for the right moment to put my plan into action.  

Right as I'm about to hit the bridge of the song I start making my way into the crowd. I never take my eyes off of Flash, moving closer as I sing. By the time the bridge is over, I'm right in front of him. On the next beat, I push Flash to the side and walk up to Peter. He has a shocked and nervous look on his face, but I don't let that stop me.

Right as I finish the last chorus, I throw my arms around him and pull him into a passionate kiss. We are immediately met with hooting and hollering from the surrounding students, even though Peter doesn't kiss me back. 

Eventually, we both need to breathe, but I hadn't finished. I grabbed Peter's hand tightly and led him backstage. On the way, I happen to get a glimpse of Flash. The expression on his face was priceless. 

I pulled Peter along until we were in the storage room I had been using as a dressing room. Peter still hadn't said or done anything by the time I closed the door behind us.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I know that was really sudden." 

"Y-yeah," he stuttered. He didn't look at me as he spoke, but I could hear the guilt in his voice.

"I have a girlfriend," he said, "and I kissed you."

"Technically, I kissed you," I corrected, "and I don't think your girlfriend would mind."

"Of course she would mind," he insisted, "Three of the most important things to her are honesty, loyalty, and trust, and I broke all three." Peter sat down on one of the folding chairs stored in the room and buried his face in his hands.

In that moment, part of me loved Peter even more because of how obvious it was that our relationship was so important to him, but another part of me knew I needed to do the right thing and put him out of his misery. I walked over to him and sat on another chair in front of him.

"Hey," I said softly, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes, I did!" he insisted.

"No, you didn't, Peter," I replied. Peter lifted his head.

"How do you know my name?" he asked. I gave him a small smile.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you," I said. I grabbed a nearby glasses case and took off my mask. Peter watched as I slipped on my glasses.

"Y/N?" he asked, clearly shocked. "How?"

"It's a long story," I said, "I'll explain later."

"So I didn't kiss someone else," he said, processing the events of the night. I shook my head and smiled at him. 

"Nope," I said. I could practically see the guilt being lifted off his shoulders as he gave a relieved sigh. 

"Thank God," he sighed. I couldn't help but laugh. "It's not funny." 

"Yeah," I said, "It kind of is." He tried not to laugh, but that didn't last long. 

"Did you see Flash's face?" I asked. He smiled. 

"How could I miss it?" he replied, "That was awesome." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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