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I hate my grandmas. Moms side and dads. I am living with my grandparents on moms side currently because of divorce between mom and stepdad. She is really racist and a fucking snob. She called me a lazy brat for not cleaning my room literally 5 minutes after a panic attack because "mental illnesses are not real your just exaggerating" she wouldn't let me take my PRESCRIPTION for three days and blamed me when I threw up. She talks shit about my mom, and what she says is complete bullshit or fucking normal for a human being to do. She makes my mom cry all the time and is overall just a complete bitch. Oh, and she says that wanting to kms is a PHASE. WHAT THE HELL. She drove my mom to almost khs when she was NINE. Nine. Let that sink in. She called me a lazy shit who screws around and doesn't get anything done, on the days that SHE didn't let me talk MY GODDAMN ADHD PILLS. I hate her and I want to get me and my mom and sister out of here. My dads mom isn't as bad, but still a bitch. She refuses to call me my name and just doesn't even try. She bought me dresses and skirts after I came out to "prove I'm a girl" wtf. My stepmom defended her. I hate her to btw, but we are not getting into that mess rn. Anyway, she blames my dad for not FORCING ME TO WEAR GIRL CLOTHES. She basically said he should've abused me into wearing them. She told my entire family on my dads side to not call me chris because it was a phase I would grow out of. I don't think hating my body and gender for 6 years is a phase. Sorry for wasting your time. Bye
Word count: 315

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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