The map (pt 1)

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[Gon's pov]

It was early in the morning I had just woke up with the sun peeking through the blinds I squinted my eyes because of how bright the sun was but I slowly got used to it

I sigh and get off my bed and headed to my closet I grabbed a black baggy shirt and some shorts aswell as a towel

I planned on staying home today and watching a movie maybe finishing one of my romance stories, I got into the bathroom striping my self from my clothes and turning it on and hopping in the warm water hitting my chest and face

After about 30 minutes or so I got out and put on the clothes after drying myself off and decided to continue and try to finish my story, I was a writer I wrote romance I was pretty famous I guess you could say although I never liked all the attention

[Aunt Mito's pov]

I woke up on a ship I look around and see men 'all I was trying to do was leave a town and I got kidnapped' I thought as one of them finally spoke "so your awake huh?" One of the men said looking at me "we want a map so we got a way to get it that's why your here your the charm" another said that seemed to be their boss

"Charm?" I asked confused but worried "yeah charm we know about your nephew and we know someone who has a map but they won't give it to us and so to get it off their hands they are giving it to him" I was shocked by the words that came out of his mouth 'they mean gon.. he is strong but-'

I got snapped out of my thoughts by one of them putting their hand on my shoulder I flinched

[Gons pov]

I was writing when I forgot I had to pick up some flowers I quickly got into better clothes and said goodbye to my cat Pepa he was a fully white cat with sapphire blue eyes "good bye Pepa I will be back soon" I smiled while I pet his head grabbing my house keys before I left locking the door behind me

I saw Mrs. Kiral struggling to get up the stairs with her stuff so I went down and helped her "Thank you gon you're always so kind!" She said in a sweet caring voice while smiling I smiled back at her and said "you're very welcome Mrs. Kiral"

Once we got up the stairs and she looked at me "oh wait gon the mail man dropped this off for you so I thought I would take it up for you" I took it and smiled my signature smile "thank you so much Mrs. Kiral you're to nice!" She looked at me and smiled "I'm grateful to have such a neighbor like you" I smiled at her as I waved bye putting the package in my bag I didn't have a car so I had to walk

After about 30 minutes I was finally home I opened the door to be greeted by Pepa he meowed at me signaling he was hungry so I went to the kitchen and got him some cat food in his cat bowl

I went in the living room and sat on the couch taking the package out of my bag and started opening it I opened it fully and noticed it was a

Hey I hope you liked this first chapter! <3 sorry if it was a little short

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