Swirling Conspiracy

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Preston's POV, about 5 minutes earlier

DJ and I had just walked out of the cave where I had interrupted his training with Celebi, when we heard a load of commotion coming from the forest.

"Sounds like we weren't alone out here" DJ smiled. "Why don't we go and make some introductions."

We started to walk in silence. "So how did you end up being the class rep?" I asked him, trying to break the silence.

"I guess its partially due to my responsibility with Celebi, but I've always been more mature than other people my age, even back at home." DJ looked up to the sky. "I guess Mr. Kincaid noticed that, and just started treating me as his class aide. Before long, the rest of the people in our class just kinda accepted it."

I followed his gaze. From just a glance, it looked like it was around noon, the sun reaching the heights of the sky.

"Speaking of him, what do you think about Mr. Kincaid?" DJ squinted his eyes in response to my question.

"What I think of him..?" DJ fell silent. "He's hiding something." He said in a hushed tone. "I don't know if he made me his class aide because he suspects me as well, but there's one thing I know for sure." DJ looked directly at me. "He's no ordinary school teacher."

"Hiding something..? What do you mean?" I was confused on why DJ seemed so suspicious of him.

"The way he acts, he just carries himself with such a heavy presence. I had wondered why such a person would be working as an ordinary school teacher." DJ shrugged. "Of course, it's not like I have any proof. This is really just one big conspiracy theory if I'm being honest."

I lowered my head. My thoughts were still swirling with the information overload DJ provided me from earlier. Nothing made sense anymore. "Have you ever felt like.... like you had no idea what to do?"

"More times than I can count." He sighed. "My entire life has lead up to the responsibility of being Celebi's trainer, but now that I am, it feels like I've hit a wall." He looked over at me. "But who knows? Maybe you were the trigger that sets the wheels in motion, huh?"

I tilted my head. "Wouldn't that just be a convenient plot point?"

"Yeah, you're right." DJ laughed. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

We continued walking. DJ looked back at me. "But you're not alone right? You have people who can back you up if need be."

We walked up to a clearing that had a lot people around, including Dylan, Braeden, and Quan.

"Do they know?" DJ asked me.

I shook my head. "How could I tell them? I can't risk them having a target on their backs."

He sighed. "I understand, but if they're close to you, regardless of whether or not they know, they'll be targeted." DJ looked toward the clearing. "In my opinion, the sooner you tell them, the better."

I looked out to my friends. "Maybe I will. When the time is right."

DJ placed his hand on my shoulder. "Should that time come, I'll help you out." He smiled at me. "We're partners now, right?"

I smirked. "Yeah, I guess we are."

DJ started walking ahead. "We shouldn't keep them waiting much longer should we? Let's go make our grand entrance!"

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