Weasley's Home

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TW: panic attacks

(Molly Weasley's POV)

It was a normal day in the Weasley household except for the fact that I have noticed a change in Fred and George recently and it seems that they are acting a lot younger than there age. I decided to research this and it came up with agelay, i kept on reading and it seems really interesting and it was definetly how the boys act.

The time at the moment was 7:50 so almost Ronald and Ginny's bedtime but i decided to try something new as Fred and George want to act like the babies they are i will treat them like the babies they are. I am actually quite glad that they are into this because they both have been stressted out lately especially Fred.

Thinking about this a bit more they do only show small signs of it when they are around me and there Father never infront of any off there siblings. They might need to tell them though as i can keep looking after them when they are at Hogwarts. At the moment Fred and George are in there Second Year and Ron is in his first there older brother Percy is in his Fourth Year so i might ask Percy to look after them when at Hogwarts.

'Arthur, kids im going into Diagon Alley to pick up some things, ill be back by 8:00'

'Ok Molly, see you when you get back'

So off i went to Diagon Alley.

(Fred POV)

Yes, Mum has gone to Diagon Alley so we have time to ourselves to be little. No one in the family knows about George and I and i want to keep it that way because it is very embarrising. Anyway my little age is 2 and Georges little age is 3. I think he has an older headspace because he doesnt get as stressed as me. I ran downstairs to get George who was watching TV and i looked at him with the look that we have to say we need some little time.

Sometime we be a caregiver for each other and the other one can be little but it is hard because you want to be little too but you have to stay big and it is horrible coming out of littlespace because all the stress and the adult stuff just piles up on you again and i dont like it thats why i always end up wanting to be in littespace.

Its great because dad doesnt come into our room and only mum does.

'George' i whispered from the stairs and gave him the look. He nodded at me and walked over we got up the stairs and he picked me up walking the rest of the way to our bedroom.

'You little yet bubba' George asked me and opened the secret wall in our joint room and walked in. The room is sound proof and no one can hear what is going on.

'Bubba go and play with your toys' George said to me so i toddled over to the toys, sitting down and just looking at them.

'bubby pway wiff mwe' i whispered to George. In little space im quite quiet and dont like to speak very much as i dont trust the spell that was put on the room, im scared that it will stop working and someone will walk into the room and find out our secret.

'mhm i pway wiff ou' George said to me clearly slipping as well

We played for a while and didnt realise the time that went by and it was now 8:30, Mum must be back by now and we are still in littlespace. George got out of littlespace first and tried to get me out of it I was more reluctant and i stormed out of the secret room into our actual room to find our Mum standing in our room putting clothes away. I stood shocked with my mouth hanging open and forced myself to be big.

'H..hey mum' i said whilst scratching the back of my neck

'Hey baby, whats in the wall' she replied but the weird thing is she called me baby and she never does.

'n..nothing its nothing, it doesnt matter'

'well my precious little boy, it doesnt seem like anything' Mum said to me. She started to walk toward it and I stood infront of her although she is definetly stronger than me, she just picked me up and moved me out the way.

'noooo' i shouted and ran after her begining to cry a little bit George walked out of the room to see what was happening but just let it happen.

'Freddie, maybe its best to let Mum know, she could help us'

' no no no no no' I replied with starting to have a panic attack infront of George and Mum. Mum ran over to me and held me on her lap rocking me back and forth. I couldnt hear what was happening there was a ringing in my ear.

(Molly's POV)

'George will you go and get Freddie his pacifier please'

'Ummm y..yeah sure mum'

George walked away into the secret room and came back with a Gryffindor pacifier and handed it to me, i put the tip of it against Freds lips and coaxed him to have it. He eventually gave in and took the pacifier in his mouth and sucked on it, his breathing slowed down and he lay his head down on my shoulder facing my neck. I told George to take Fred and himself into the spare room that we kept locked and wait for me in there.

(George's POV)

I took Freddies hand and walked to the spare room that was just down the hall from our actual room and opened the door, to my surprise it wasnt locked and i walked in. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. In the room was a toddler bed with rails and a crib with a mobile that hung over it. The mobile had lions and red and gold banners hanging from it. Fred walked into the room and looked around in awe at it.

'Alright my boys are we going to get ready for bed'

'Yes mum' we went to walk out to our own room and Mum stopped us

'Right who wants to get changed first, George how about you yeah'


She picked me up and lay me down on the changing table that i failed to see earlier and started to take off my clothes. I just let it happen as i have wanted someone to look after me forever. She changed me into a pull-up and a pyjama set that was gryffindor themed. I smiled at that. Mum picked me up and set me on the ground and looked over to Fred.

'Your turn bubba' Mum said a bit more quietly and started to walk towards Fred, he turned and ran out of the room and i could here his feet going down the stairs.

'George can you do me a favour and go and get Charlie for me and ask him to help me get Fred, dont worry he knows, i ran into him at Diagon Alley and he asked me what i was doing so i had to explain'

'Okay' i walked off to find one of my older brothers.

(Fred's POV)

I ran all the way down stairs and hid underneath them, I covered my eares and closed my eyes.

'Fred, buddy can you come out of there please' despited having my ears covered i could still hear Charlie, one of my older brothers. I shook my head

'Okay' he said and took my hand pulling me slightly closer so he could pick me up, once i was in his arms he rubbed my back and took me back to the room and lay me down on the changing table, he put the straps over my tummy so i could only move side to side. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and Mum came into the room.

'Now baby, no need to be scared, im just trying to help you' Mum said to me and started to change me and i cried. She changed me into a diaper and onsie with a Gryffindor pattern on it and lay me down in the crib and George got into his toddler bed and fell asleep. I on the other hand took a bit longer, I was given a pacifier and a super soft blanket and it took 15 minutes for me to get to sleep with Charlie drawing circles on my tummy with his hand and then i was clean out for the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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