1 | Moving in

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- small fluff
- 512 words

Y/n didn't really bother telling anyone what she was doing since the build up off rage she had when her parents gave her 1 day too get her stuff and get out off the house

She didn't even tell dream

She knew were dream lived but forgot that he also lived with sapnap

This got y/n's spirits up since she had a bit off a crush on sapnap for a while
y/n streams herself and sap calls her kitten because off her display name


I'm in an uber
Omw too ur house

Wait what!?

Mom kicked me out
I wont be long

Dream pov

Before I could even text my sister back all I hear is

*ding dong*

"She must be here" I mumbled as I sped down the stairs
"Whose here?" Sap said
"You'll see" and I winked at him
Y/n told me she had a little crush on sapnap and sapnap told me he had a crush on y/n I didn't know what to do at first since it was my sister but I'd didn't say anything and I keep teasing him about it

Y/n pov

I ring the doorbel and can hear muttering inside the house
I hear someone unlock the door and open it

"CLAY!" i screamed as I give him a big hug
I see sapnap over his shoulder and scream
I run over to him and jump in his arms so my legs are rapped around his waist and my arms around his neck
"Hey kitten" he said with a smile as he pulled me into a hug so we were chest to chest

Sapnap pov

As I pull y/n into a hug I can see dream bring in y/ns luggage and mouth to me
"Y/n and sapnap sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g"
I mouth back
"I wish"
And see his mouth sit wide open
I can see him message someone on his phone and my phone starts to blow up so I know he's now freaking out that I admitted to it


Y/n pov

After I had finish putting my stuff away in my new room with the help of sapnap he noticed I looked a little down
"You alright?" Sap questioned
"Yeah just I probably won't be able to sleep for a few days since I can't sleep in new environments due too past events with my parents, they always would make me sleep outside or on the streets if I quote on quote mis behaved"
I said back
"Well my door will always be open if you wanna come sleep in my bed with me your always welcome too"
"Thanks sap" I say and ho over and kiss him on the cheek this made both me and him go bright red
"No problem kitten" he replies with a wink
"OI" dream shouted making us jump
"Stop flirting and come watch a movie with me" he said following his scream

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