Chapter 2-Meeting With Dave

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Marco's Pov
As i drove down the road. I noticed that I was near the FIB building. I sigh. Slowing down. I get off my bike. Walking inside. Dave immediately grabbing my arm. "What took you so long squirt? We missed you!" Dave had said to me. And I thought to myself."yeah right."I faked a smile."I was wondering around. Doing kids stuff." I said. "Like robbing that store owner again you robbed six days ago?" He said in annoyance. Well.. I'm screwed. "I had no money left! What else was I supposed to do?" I said in a defensive manner. He sighed and shook his head. "You're just like him. Anyway...we need Your help." He said as he takes me into his office. "With what?"I asked the older man."Capturing.. Trevor Phillips."He said to me. "Trevor Phillips? Who the hell is that?"I asked confused."A dangerous man.. anyway. We need you to go undercover. Can you do that? Course you can. Your smart!" He said. I mumbled."and young unlike you" to which he didn't hear me say luckily.i only nodded as a response. "Good. Go to his place. Say you want to make a deal with him. Lead him somewhere we can find you." He said to me. Which I nodded as a response yet again. Walking out.i sigh. "Welp...time to lead a maniac I don't know to wherever I can."I said as I got onto my motorcycle. Driving off to wherever my tracker leads me to.
Franklin might be looking for me. Lamar too..I just hope they won't be mad at me for doing this.i eventually make it to his place...which looks odd...and what I saw wasn't what I'll ever forget...

To be continued.

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