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Bruno asked sitting down making little piles of whatever and putting them on fire

Then Sand erupted

The entire circle swirled around me Mirabel and Bruno making he stumble a bit

Then in the sand a candle appeared

The one at the top of the house

There was cracks and then Mirabel appeared

Then another person entered the sand

A persons who's face was unrecognised but they had wings

"Wait.. me?" I said pointing to the bird girl on the sand

Bruno shouted about it being the same vision

I never got to see the last one.. was I in it?

Then there was another person


She held Mirabel and hugged her

"ISABELLA?!" Mirabel screamed storming of as Bruno stopped his vision

"Well at least all you have to do is hug your sister?" He said nervously laughing

By the look on Mirabels face he just gave the green glass to me

"Right, I didn't question this whole magic thing before but I need context. What is this candle and what's happening?" I asked taking this more seriously

So Mirabel told me everything

It was.. weird to say the least

Afterward I stood there shocked

"That might be different to how you got yours but for us that's how we got it" she said gesturing to my wings

I nodded my head

"Yeah okay that makes more sense on what's going on then" I said as we walked out of Antonio's room

They hid behind a plant pot and I just stood next to it

"Can't y/n come with me?" Mirabel begged

"Eh?? Naaahhhhgg hellllll nah Isabella is nice an all but she scary when she mad" I said obliterating the idea

Mirabel sighed

"You must do this alone it was you hugging her in the prophecy" he said as she groaned

"Anyway, bai" He said jumping back into a a whole in the wall behind a painting

"Okaayy?" I said as Mirabel waved good bye

Then I heard Camilos voice

"Y/n? Y/n? Mirabel?" He shouted downstairs as his head turned into a baby

He shook his head and he turned back

"I am here" I said walking down the stairs stopping half way down as he walked up the stairs

"Y/n" he exhaled as his body released its tense

"I didn't know where you were I thought you were half dead somewhere" he said coming and kicking me

I let him kick me and smiled afterwards subsiding the pain

"I was with Mirabel she's fine as well" I said as he exhaled once more

"Okay.. where were you?" He asked

"We were just at my house.." I said feeling bad for lying to him

I mean I wasn't supposed to tell him

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