- Kirishima is trans, hence why he's always obsessed with being 'manly'.

(Ngl this was what i thought was going on when i first watched the anime, and I thought it was kinda cute sooo)

"Gimme your lunch money, loser."

The boisterous, malevolent boy towered over the tiny, frail girl sprawled on the ground in front of him. She quivered in fear and could barely move without flinching.

The boy laughed, and his dim-witted entourage joined in, cackling so horrifically that the poor girl could be seen shaking from the other side of the playground.

"L-leave m-m-me alone, Rui-chan..." she whispered hysterically, bundling her hair in her scrawny fists.

"Or what?" Ruiyo sneered, his eyes flaring up with violent electricity.

"Hey! Rui-chan!"

The boy stopped in his tracks, as a high-pitched voice called out from behind him.
"Kohanna," he spat, gritting his teeth and whirling around on his heel.
Standing in front of him was a short girl, with jet-black hair and a hardened expression. Her hands curled into fists by her sides and she had an air of intense bravery about her.

"Leave her alone, Rui-chan!" she cried, taking a step forward.

"Oh yeah?" Ruiyo mocked, nudging his gang jokingly. "Well why don't you come over here and make me?"

"OK, I will!"
Suddenly, the girl's arms became as tough as steel, and she began running towards the bully, eyes narrowed.
Just as she drew near, Ruiyo and his friends darted out of the way, and she zoomed straight past them and head-first into a tree. A branch fell and hit her squarely on the head.

Ruiyo erupted into insulting laughter.
"You really thought you stood a chance against me?" he shouted, grabbing Kohanna by the shoulders and pushing her down into the mud. "Even with that stupid brain of yours, I didn't think you were that dumb!"

Kohanna grimaced, wiping the dirt off her face with her forearm. She tried to get to her feet again, refusing to give up, but Ruiyo kicked her in the stomach and she fell once more.
"You're just a useless, stupid girl!" he sang in her face, and the rest of the group started chanting "Stupid girl! Stupid girl!" while he spoke.

"I'm... Not stupid..." Kohanna stuttered, spitting dirt out of her mouth. "I can... Beat you... Any day... I'm just as strong..."

"Gimme a break, Koha!" Ruiyo cackled, sending a shock wave through the air that caught Kohanna's hair and singed the ends.
He crouched down so he was level with her.
"You're the weakest one here," he said, in a low, dangerous voice. "You could never, ever beat me. Not even if you were to man-up and face me like a hero would. Who's your favourite again? Crimson Riot? Ha, well you've got at least a lifetime's worth of work before you'd even make it as a janitor, let alone a pro hero like him!"

Kohanna sniffed, but was determined not to cry.
I won't show weakness, she thought. Not in front of him. I'm not weak. I'm not...

"Aww, little girly's crying!" one of Ruiyo's lackeys chirped maliciously, earning a ripple of laughter from the group.

Ruiyo smirked.
"One day, you'll realise how wrong you are. Look at yourself. You try and fight like a man, but you're just a scared little girl. Even your quirk is too good for you, you can't even control it. Shame your parents didn't have a boy, at least he'd fit better... Gentle little Kohanna, the precious, delicate flower with a man's quirk. You make me sick."

And with that, Ruiyo and his gang left, kicking up stones at Kohanna as they did.

Kohanna watched them walk away, the tears flooding from her eyes.

"I'm not weak, Rui-chan," she murmured to herself. "I am strong. I'll show you...You're not the only one who thinks I'm wrong... I do too. I feel wrong. I've never felt right how I am."

She glared at Ruiyo and clenched her fists.

"But I will. And I'll show you. I'm strong.

"And I'm just as much of a man as you are."

                       TIME SKIP❤️

Well, here goes nothing. It's finally time.

"Hey, did you hear about Kohanna?"

I've waited so long...

"Yeah, man, crazy right?"

I can't believe this is real...

"I think it's brilliant - everyone knew she was never really happy."

I finally feel so... Right in myself... This is awesome...

"I just can't believe her parents let her do it-"

"That's enough, quiet down!"
The students were silenced as their teacher waltzed in through the door.
"Now, as I'm sure you're aware, we have someone to re-introduce, as per request."

But I'm so nervous, too...

The apprehension in the air was palpable as the teacher spoke.

"I'd like you all to respect them and treat them just as you would any other person. Do I make myself clear?"

There was a general murmur of agreement from the class.

Hey, man up. A new start. Its gonna be great.

The teacher turned to the door, and motioned for someone to enter.

Deep breaths, man. Deep breaths. Just be confident. This is who you are.

With a creak, the classroom door opened again, and a figure walked into the room.

All eyes were on the arrival as they made their way to the front of the class.

Its OK.

"Would you care to introduce yourself?" the teacher asked.

This is who I'm meant to be.

The figure nodded, before turning to the rest of the room.

This is who I am.

"Hey, guys!" the figure waved brightly, ruffling his spiked, red hair. "My name's Ejiro Kirishima - I'm so glad for you guys to get to know the real me!"

Kohanna - Japanese name meaning "little flower"

- I had so many ideas for in-between these two moments, let me know in the comments what you think!

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