Pt 1

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Shota turned the hot water faucet off and dried his face with a towel. As he drug it down, catching all the loose water droplets, he looked up at his disheveled appearance in the mirror above. Deep purple circles outlined the bottom of his dark eyes and his hair hadn't been washed or brushed in days. His already fucked sleeping schedule was all but nonexistent. Juggling between hero work, teaching classes at the high school, and trying to parent two children has become a bite of life that is far too much to chew.

The sound of a doorbell rang through the apartment just as he plopped his tooth brush in his mouth. Small foot steps raced down the hall and moments later, a gasp reached Shota's ears. Panic set in as he threw the bathroom door open and he rushed down the hall to see familiar blonde hair swinging a giggling Eri around.

"GOOOOOOODDD MORNING, LITTLE CHICK!" The man yelled. Shota breathed in relief that the intruder this early in the morning wasn't a kidnapper and watched as his friend swung Eri around in his arms before placing her on his shoulder.

After giving Hizashi a nod in greeting, he walked back to the bathroom to spit and throw on his sweater.

A quiet knock sounded on the door frame as his friend leaned against the opening.

"You know, I really don't mind spending time with my godchildren, but don't you think you need a little help around this place?"

Shota brushed passed him to the dining room to gather the glitter and sticker littered assignments Eri had 'helped' him grade the night prior.

"I do not need any more help. Isn't that why you're here?"

Yamada clicked his tongue as he grabbed an apple off the table and rubbed it on his shirt in an attempt to clean it. "Do you really think two bachelors are all these kids need? They need a woman's touch. This morning, Eri said she needed to put her after shave on before and after getting dress. According to her, it rubs off when she puts her dress on. I didn't have the heart to tell her she doesn't need after shave!"

Aizawa grumbled at this. So what? At least his kids leave the house smelling clean and have their bellies full before going to bed. Who says they need a woman to help with that.

Hizashi huffed and took a bite out of his apple. "Look, I know you're thinking that I think you just need to settle down already, but I promise that's not what this is....this time....maybe you could just hire a nanny? God knows these kids could stand to eat something other than your spaghetti and salads. And maybe the laundry could be done for once."

"Okay, okay! I get it. If I promise to look into getting a nanny, will you please shut the hell up and take my kids to school?" Shota finally broke.

"Stress is unbecoming on you, my friend. Maybe you should try and get laid too."

"Kids. School. Now."

Shota rested his head against the closed door in the late night hours. He had just gotten home from his patrol after a particularly hard day and he was ready to collapse. After wrestling his boots off his feet, he drug his way into the kitchen to see his son leaning against the island. With a glass of chocolate milk and a bag of Cheetos at his side, the purple haired boy scrolled away at the family laptop that illuminated the concentration on his face.

"Dude, what are you doing up so late?" Shota rasped as he made his way to the refrigerator. Shinso hummed in acknowledgment and typed something before sliding off the barstool.

"I have created a list of nannies in a 5 mile radius based on the best resumes and ratings for you to look at. I heard you and Uncle Mic talking this morning. I agree that a little help is needed. My favorite is probably number four on the list. She's hot, AND she seems like a perfect fit for us." Shinso sucked in a breath after he finished his rant. The red in his face fading after his little confession about nanny number four.

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