Wolf Falls

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Chapter 1 – Wolf Falls

AN:  Hi guys!  So I thought, me being a very creative mood this week, that I would start a new story!  This one is about were wolves, obviously.  ‘Wolf Falls’ haha.  Anyways yes the story does involves your classic mating and sexy high school boys, BUT I hope I have put a spin on it that will change it up, a bit.  Let me know!  If you like Vampire Stories, or the way I write, read my other story “Blood bites’.  Trust me, its fantastic ;) 

Arden woke up with a start as her alarm sent shrills screaming around her room.  Hitting the button profusely before it stopped, she jumped out of bed excited for the first day of senior year.  She had finally made it; she was in her final year of high school! 

Arden had really enjoyed her break, but she was ready to tackle the year head on, get her acceptance to Yale, and get out of this place.  Not that she didn’t love Wolf falls, but it got old pretty quickly.  Her mother had met her dad while he was on a business trip in California, bing bada boom, Arden arrived.  It’s tradition that all females leave whatever pack they belong too and up and moved to wherever on the god damn planet, said male is from.  Male family blood lines are very important in Wolf Falls.  Not just Wolf falls but Wolf life.  That’s how she ended up here.

Getting dressed in a pair of high wasted denim shorts and a cut of black tank top, she slipped on her studded boots.  Before heading downstairs she took a quick glance in the mirror.  She had dark black hair that fell half way down her back in curls, her skin was as white as paper but nothing close to pasty.  Her cheeks always held a natural blush and her lips were as pink as the skin on a ripened peach.  Heading downstairs, it was too late to make breakfast but right on cue her mother placed fresh hot pancakes on a plate.  Arden grabbed it and rolled it in her fingers.  It burnt but with all the excitement and adrenaline running through her body, she didn’t care.  “Bye mum!” she yelled out as she grabbed her shoulder bag from near the door and ran outside. 

School was only a 20-minute walk and Arden didn’t think it was worth driving.  Not in her car anyway.  It was a bomb.  Literally a bomb, it could possibly blow up at any minute.  It was scary. And was obviously safer to walk.  She enjoyed walking anyway, two streets along she met up with her best friend Bella.  She was as crazy as they come and all the boys loved her.  Her personality was addictive. 

All of Arden’s other friends had mated and hadn’t stuck around.  Preoccupied with their ‘love’.  She hoped that she never found her mate, especially not before she graduated from college and was well underway in her career. 

Mating was a weird thing.  Well it wasn’t really, it was sex.  Full blown love making. BUT, the catch was it could hit you at any moment.  You could find your mate in the supermarket.  They could be someone you have known for years.  BAM, and you found them.  Sometimes it was right in your face and sometimes it was subtle. 

“Max found his mate,” Bella had stated a little sadly.  Max was the guy she had been pining over the whole of last year.  “On his holiday in Greece.  Lisa and that guy with the hair from math class also mated.  It’s like cupid gets bored, comes along with his little pointy arrow and shoots whoever he fricking feels like.  Its so unfair,” she sighed. 

“Aw, honey.  I’m sorry,”  Arden said as she gave Bella’s arm a soft squeeze.  “Chin up though, this year is going to be amazing.  We will make the most of it and you can flirt with plenty of sexy boys!”

As the girls entered the front gates of the school, the football field was to the left.  Apparently the boys football team had been up early for practice.  They were all high-fiving as they took their gear off and headed to shower before first period.  “Ah,” Bella exclaimed, “Aren’t they just… Sexy! Especially that, Ryan! This is definitely going to be a good year!” she giggles and led a smiling Arden into the school entrance. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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