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Why are you thanking me


Because I thought being soft means I'm weak or not a strong man
Nevermind it doesn't really make sense


No I understand what you're saying
Person's or society have it that man shouldn't have a soft side and should always be hard and like mean I guess and acting all gangster

Like it okay to be soft to the person you love or some your close to
For instance your friends I'm sure they get to see your caring side if they got hurt or something


This is getting deep


Oh sorry don't mean to sa-


No no it's okay because I never really have a deep conversation with someone


Can I ask why you don't want to show me your soft side...


Growing up I was a mama's boy still a mama's boy, but I always wanted to be a man like my dad.

Like the way how he treated mom like a queen. Yes they have fights, like their communication till this day is key.

My ex we were dating for a good year and some months, but she always use to be like a man shouldn't be soft, I have to buy this and that, she wouldn't like a gifts I got her because her friends boyfriend would buy things better than that etcc.

Until a day I was really sick like close to even being in the hospital, but me and her had to go out that day. I explain to her everything and then she just snap saying a man should be able to go out even sick and etc just comparing me to other men and then she just broke up with me that day.
That's why when I got sick, I didn't want you to know and say things like that

^You stared at Iwa as you felt how hurt is was but you understand so you didn't say anything but hugged him. In the moment you remember Iwa was not fully recovered from his cold so you got up and run to a vending machine^

Hey where are you going!


Wait I'm coming back!
^Moments after^
Here you go


Orange juice


Yes you were sick yesterday remember you have recovered fully so I need you to drink this

^Iwa stared at you as he was mesmerised but your caring warm smile^

Hey is something wrong
You can tell me you know if you want to


No nothing is wrong
{Darm I'm falling for her}


{Why he stared like that is something wrong with my face}
{He's so handsome and sweet, darm I have fallen hard}


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