Chapter 4

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Here it is my lovely's. Enjoy!

I rolled over and screamed into my pillow. My head was pounding. I couldn't remember a thing.

I squinted up at the ceiling. A nice soft shade of baby blue sloppily thrown on the ceiling. It was soothing.

I quickly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. But the light was very dim. Too dim to be the cheery sunshine that I was used to.

I lifted myself up, my arms my back, and sprung up off the bed. I grabbed my phone off the charger and checked the time.

11:23PM! "Holy shit!" I mumbled.

I searched the room, and found a note neatly placed on my bedside table.

I unfolded, and skimmed the note as best I could.

Basically that dude took me home...blah blah blah take my meds blah blah blah finish unpacking blah blah hmmm hmmm hmmm SHOOL? WHAT?! TOMORROW?!

I reread the note over and over to make sure I wasn't just misreading the note, but I was not.

"But make sure you rest up well! While you were gone, I finished enrolling you into that school Black bush academe! Isn't that just wonderful?" She wrote in bold letters.

The expression left on my face was priceless. It was blank. Just blank.

The following morning I straightened my hair, put on my basic makeup, nothing special really. Then I put on my favorite blue skinny jeans, equipt with my favorite gray "Is it Friday yet?" tank top and a red and black plaid shirt around my waist.

I applied some pink lipstick to make it POP, and walked downstairs for some grub. I was starving.

"Morin' darling" Mum called from the stove.

"Old lady" I said jokingly while sitting on a stool laughing.

"Ouch my heart" Mum said poking out her lip and grabbing her chest. Classic mum.

I was suddenly greeted with the smell of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, and coffee.

"No cakes today??" I asked confused. We ALWAYS eat pancakes when she cooks breakfast. I was a bit disappointed.

"You've got enough pan in your cakes missy" Mom said in a peculiar tone.

"Mum" I said frowning. Are my hips getting that big?? I suddenly lost my appetite. The second she placed the plate down, I shot up from the stool. She purposely gave me a little bit of everything!

"I'm not hungry" I grumbled. Does she think I'm fat or something?!

"Starving ourselves now?" Mum asked quiet rudely.

I pulled on my black vans, grabbed my bag, and stormed out the door.


I sat quietly and alone, waiting for the school building to open. I've never seen a school so big.

I surveyed my surroundings and seen a girl sitting on a tree stump.

She'd been crying. I pulled myself up to go see what was wrong. "Why am I here? I am in the wrong place, and in the wrong time. This is not my body, what am I doing here? I don't understand why I can't just die!" The girl screeched.

I ran over to the girl and lept onto her, causing her to fall to the ground.

"People do care about you. Your just too blink to see. And even though I might not know you, I might not even know your name, but even I love you." I said hugging the girl

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