forget me not

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Michelle Jones is a naturally restless human being. After disappearing and then suddenly reappearing after five years, this inner restlessness has become even stronger. Despite her tranquility she misses something, a part of her memory was lost in the middle of the changes and this feeling bothers her. To miss something that you can't even remember... MJ is determined to find out what is missing for her being complete again.

Every day several customers pass by the coffee shop where MJ works. Some are regulars who always order the same thing, some appear and disappear, some never know what to order, and there is this one customer named Peter Parker. He used to be a regular, but now he shows up less frequently. He orders a black coffee, asks how her day was, and leaves. The boy smiles, but his countenance is sad. Perhaps it is this melancholy aura that is responsible for arousing MJ's interest in him. For someone who is always observant and withdrawn, Parker is a great object of study.

"Who are you, Peter Parker? Why do I want to know things about this guy? He's probably not even that interesting." Michelle sighs at the thought of the sad boy, who now takes shape and contour in her simple doodles. Parker seems to be lonely, maybe this is the reason for the sudden fascination he has for her. Maybe they are alike, or the same, since MJ usually internalizes everything. Whatever the reason, she will soon find out.

In the following days the mysterious client disappeared. MJ was disappointed and began to wonder about the reasons behind his disappearance. He could have found a better coffee shop (which wouldn't be so difficult), he could have moved to another neighborhood, another city, another state, another country, he could have had an accident and died, the options were countless and unpredictable.

After a month and to Michelle's surprise, Peter finally reappeared.

"Same as always, please!" He makes his request in a subtle voice and avoids looking the gentle attendant in the eye.

"You're gone!" Michelle comments, glancing at him.

"I had some unexpected problems" He answers dryly.

"I hope you won't disappear again" Before MJ realizes it the words are out of her mouth instantly.

"Don't worry! That won't happen again" Peter smiles slightly, and for a moment MJ is completely baffled.

"That's great! Here's your order" Michelle tries to disguise it, but she can't hide her joy at seeing Peter again.

"Thank you, Michelle! See you any day" He says goodbye with a smile, this time a real one.

"See you!"


The days for Peter Parker are hard. After losing May and having his existence erased from everyone's mind he has been forced to mature quickly. Without his aunt, without friends, without the avengers, without MJ, without a home, all that is left for Peter is Spider-Man. Little by little he is adapting to his new reality and focusing on being a good friendly neighborhood spidey.

It is still difficult to live away from MJ and Ned. The memories of the moments they lived together still echo in Peter's mind. Even though he wants to get closer to both of them again, the fear of putting them in danger prevents him from trying to initiate a more intimate contact.

Watching Michelle from afar has become a habit for Peter. Sometimes he goes to the coffee shop where she works and orders a cup of coffee to at least hear her voice. This experience provides a mixture of sadness and comfort, but for now this is enough.

For months Peter has spent at least once a week at the place where Michelle works. The distance and the memories of a forgotten past make the young boy even more fascinated by his old passion. His beautiful and shrewd MJ remained the same. She seems happy and has Ned by her side, for Peter that is the only thing that matters.

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