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I was running from too many police cars to count and my mum and dad's van was right behind me. I decided I would keep running and hopefully I would lose them.

Sorry you probably want to know how and why I got here and also who I am.
Well how and why I got here is a bit long winded and I will go through the whole thing with you in the upcoming chapters of my book. So for now I will tell you who the hell I am. My name is Zach and I'm sixteen years old. I know what you are thinking. Sixteen and still living in your parents house. Well I know that it sounds kinda sad but my sister is twenty six and lives in my parents basement. Anyway we are getting kind of off topic. Time to tell you lot my story of how I got to being on the run.

If I Could Take It Back I WouldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant