Sleeping through the night

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I wanted to sleep so bad, it was the only thing I truly desired. I was close to breaking into tears, I haven't had a proper night's sleep for three days and the last days were really exhausting. I forced my eyes shut and did my best to fall asleep and finally get some rest. I lay there for a long time but nothing happened. I couldn't help myself, my insomnia was driving me crazy. I rolled over to look at my loved one, Julian, who was sleeping in peace with his hands wrapped around my waist. I sighed as a few tears left my eyes. I couldn't think properly or even catch a clear thought about what to do. I cleared my throat and softly cried into Julian's chest, I didn't want to wake him up. I tried my best to free myself from Julian's grip and after some time I managed to stand up. Mazelinka wasn't home, she never told me where she was going. Like Asra, she just disappeared sometimes, but she always came home by daybreak. I managed to make my way to the kitchen window, I sat down on the window sill. My eyes were heavy but wouldn't close, the moon shone brightly into the room while I quietly sighed. My lip was trembling, I was so exhausted, this only happened once before. I wiped away my tears when I heard a groan and a long yawn from the bedroom. It was Julian who came right up to me:

- My love, why aren't you sleeping?

I tried my best to put on my usual smile but I was too tired. I hopped down from the window sill, my legs were shaking as I held onto the wall. Julian quickly rushed over to me and held me up while wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't manage to say a word, my lips moved but no sound left them.

-Is it your insomnia again? Please, talk to me...

I knew that he wouldn't buy my usual "I'm fine" so I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

- (y/n), come back to bed, come on I will help you.

I looked up to Julian, he wasn't wearing his usual grin, it was more of a worried face. Julian leans into a soft kiss and his lips softly brush over mine. I pull away like his touch burnt on my cold and pale skin, our lips part just inches from each other. I feel how it hurt him but I am too tired to care at all. I know I will regret this later,

- I-I am sorry... I shouldn't have-

He gets cut off by my wide and exhausted yawn. I lean onto his shoulder while my eyes get too heavy to leave them open. Julian sighed and tried to pick me up, but it seemed as if his touch hurt me. I quivered and thrashed a bit until his hands left my body. His look was so full of pain and confusion, I wanted to tell him that I love him, sadly no sound left my trembling lips. Julian backed away a few steps, left me some space. I couldn't control my feet, I didn't even see properly. Julian softly reached for just my fingertips to hold. Slowly and very gingerly he led me to the bedroom, where I finally dropped myself into bed. Julian laid down next to me and threw the cozy blanket onto the two of us. My eyes went shut within seconds as I fell into a land of dreams.

I woke up as I felt something pressing up against me, it was Julian he was twitching and full of sweat, his grip around my waist tightened and I let out a confused gasp. I felt his heavy breath against my neck, he was panting

- D-Don't leave me...

Julian was having a nightmare again, I turned over to him and wiped away the tears that were running down his rosy cheek. I cup his cheek and lean into a soft kiss, it was a short one but still lovely. Still, Julia didn't seem to get better rest so I started humming his favorite song which I used to play on my guitar. After a couple of minutes, he blinked at me as he woke up. I didn't notice because I was trying to keep my eyes open, ready to comfort Ilya but I was struggling not to doze off to sleep again. I felt his lips brush my forehead and I suddenly was wide awake. I looked up at my dearest and smiled brightly. Julian wore his all-day smirk which comforted me a bit. I had to think of my behavior yesterday night and before Julian could speak I rose my words

-Julian... About yesterday, I am so sorry... Just my insomnia was driving me crazy, I hadn't slept properly for days... And-

Ilya just chuckled and pulled my body to his, making our skin touch in every possible way, our lips had a breathtaking kissing session that was filled with desire and passion. After some minutes I had to break the kiss in order to fill my lungs with fresh air again, I blushed as Ilya's hands brushed through my hair, it gave me a good feeling. Sometimes it's not that easy with Julian but these moments are the ones that make it special. He chuckles and let's go from me and drags himself out of bed.

- Ugh, I could continue sleeping forever

I was glad that he had a good rest. Before we two met he had struggles with insomnia as well, but at the moment it was just me, who didn't catch sweet dreams like Julian.He stood up and reached out for my hand to pull me up as well.

- Come on (y/n), I will make breakfast for us.

I smiled brightly and got up, dizzily I followed Julian into the kitchen, I could see the scene from this night. I remembered his careful touch, I felt how it burnt on my skin. Julian didn't seem to notice my awful memories, because he started cutting bread and peered into Mazelinkas pot in which she normally made her really good genius stew, I must say. Sadly there wasn't any left but she left a jar of marmalade on one of the shelves in the kitchen. I grabbed it and showed it to Julian.

-Look, Mazelinka left this for us!

I said as Julian chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt my cheeks heat up as I pressed my lips against his cheek. I love those sudden hugs. A worried sigh left his lips as he looked down at me

- I wish it could be like this every day, I wish we could go through the streets without the worry that the guards will turn up behind the next door, without the need to hide...

I didn't know any answer to this so I just laid my head on his chest, it was so warm and soft. After a couple of minutes, we were having our breakfast, right after that, I started doing the dishes when I felt someone wrapping his arm around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder. I turned to Jules and he leaned into a kiss with me, I wanted to break the kiss but Julian seemed to lead this kiss into something more intimate. When his tongue parted my lips and entered my mouth I broke the kiss, I slowly pulled away. He grinned at me and leaned in to steal another kiss, but I put my index finger on his lip and pushed him back a bit. He just responded with a needy groan and pulled me closer.

- Not now, Julian

- But (y/n) we haven't done it for so long, and I must say I am a man with needs as well

I chuckled and cupped his cheeks with both of my hands. I got my attention back to washing the dishes but Julian didn't move away from me, his arms still wrapped around me, I didn't care much, it was kind of cute even though I wasn't able to move that much. When I was finished I told Julian I would go to the shop and check if everything was fine, but he really begged me to let him come with me. I had to laugh a bit but let him come with me.*to be continued in part 2*..hey guys! just wanted to say I love y'allI hope you enjoy this, I recently fell in love with Julian and arcana again, so I hope y'all can bare with me<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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