The start

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( jakie added lex💅🏻 , Dev🔎 and Oli 🕹 to the chat )
Lex💅🏻: hey jake
Jakie : hey lex
Oli🕹 : sooo what's this group?
Jakie: well I was thinking we need a place to talk so we can decide what to do about Chucky
Dev🔎: nice thinking "jakie"
Jakie : hey! My name is very cool might I add
Lex💅🏻: sureeeeeeeee
Oli🕹: anyway I was thinking
Lex💅🏻: that's a first
Jakie : about what ?
Oli🕹: why don't we tell junior?
Lex💅🏻: he's not creative enough he wouldn't understand and see us as crazy
Oli🕹: how would you even know that ? We haven't given him a chance and I think he deserves one
Dev🔎: he was a point you know
Jakie : I will add him but if he says one rude thing I'm kicking him out so quickly
Oli🕹 : trust me he won't say a thing

( jakie added junior 🥇 to the group)

Junior 🥇 : why have I been added?
Dev🔎: we have something we need to tell you. You just have to promise me to listen and to not tell anyone about what we say. You trust me right?
Junior 🥇: of course I trust you ! And I promise dev :)
Lex 💅🏻: ok so I'm going to sound crazy but Chucky is alive
Junior 🥇: yeah?
Jakie: and I know it sounds insane
Junior 🥇: mhm
Oli🕹: but you have to trust us
Junior 🥇: yeahhhh
Dev🔎 : what's up ? You don't seem surprised
Lex💅🏻: I told you guys
Junior 🥇: Devon it's because I'm not surprised
Oli🕹: wait so you are willing to help us kill Chucky?!!
Junior 🥇: wellllll
Jakie: come on he was the one that killed you mom and most likely the reason of your dads death
Junior 🥇: my moms death was suicide ... and my dad well that's a different story
Dev🔎: oh yeah ... I'm sorry about your dad by the way
Oli🕹 : same it must have been traumatic to see his body lying there
Junior 🥇: traumatic , yeah
Lex 💅🏻: jun are you ok something seems off about you
Junior 🥇: don't worry about it lexy I'm fine
Jakie: are you sure ?
Junior 🥇: yea I am 😒
Dev 🔎: junior what's going on ? I can tell somethings up
Junior 🥇: mhm well if it was really that bad you would have know before

( junior 🥇 went offline)

Oli🕹: before what ?
Jakie : I couldn't tell you. I don't talk to junior very often
Lex 💅🏻 : dev have you spoke to him recently ?
Dev🔎: sadly no
Oli🕹: well we need to find out what's going on
Jakie: but what about Chucky?
Oli🕹: what's about him ? We can defeat him while helping our friend
Lex 💅🏻: I agree with Oli it won't be that hard

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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