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I was laughing as I went to sit next to Camilo. He looked nervous. I tapped his shoulder.

"Are you okay? Do you want to get some air?"

"Huh? Oh no. I'm fine. But can we talk?"

My hands got sweaty when he said that. Literally, nothing good comes from those three words.

"Uh..yeah sure. Do you want to go outside or..?

"Let's go to my room."

I nodded, not saying a word while my heart raced. He grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him as we headed to his room. We walked to his room in silence, the anticipation growing. When we got there, he opened the door for me, allowing me to enter. Of all of the years knowing each other, I'd never seen his room. It seemed like a sacred place. Like somewhere he goes to hide from the stress of his family.

He cleared his throat and sat down on his sugar cookie yellow bed(weird name but hear me out-). I sat down next to him, calmly. Our knees touched and my heart fluttered.

"So you're probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you." His voice broke the silence.

I nodded in response. My mind was blank. I was just listening to him. To his words.

"Y/N, you are like my best friend and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. My whole life, I had been looking for my identity. For who I am."

'Oh my God. Is he coming out?' I thought to myself. He was giving me some weird signals.

"When I met you, I felt things fall into place. That was when the casita was broken, we had lost our miracle. But when I saw you, I had found it again." He continued, taking a deep breath to be able to say the next few words he was going to say.

"Y/N, I really, really like you. In a more than a friend way. In a 'let me be your support in life' kind of way. Please feel the same way?"

He looked at me desperately. I could see both fear and hope in the green specks of his hazel eyes.

"Yes, Camilo. I feel the same way." I smiled and held his hand.

He started to lean in and I did the same. I felt nervous. I was eighteen and hadn't had my first kiss.

Our lips touched and it felt incredible. His hand immediately went to caress my cheek as we kissed. His curls tickling my forehead.

Then a bang was heard as my mom barged in. "Que carajo estas asiendo con el niño Madrigal(What the hell are you doing with the Madrigal kid?)"

We pulled apart and my mom grabbed me by the ear pulling me away from him and his room. I looked back at Camilo, my hand slipping from his. The look on his face was a mixture of disappointment and frustration.

Word Count: 496 words

Tada! I hope yall love this chapter. I literally love all of you readers. Especially since I saw that I got over 5k reads and 64 votes. Like damnnnnn. Material Girl💅. Anyways, should I do a face reveal and do an all about me?


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