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Katelyns POV

It was a cold winters afternoon and I invited Luke over for a movie. We have now been dating for over 1 year now and I am pretty comfortable with him coming over and staying the night. I hear a loud knock on the door. I invite anyone who is there to come inside. Luke walks in with a box of pizza. He snuggles into me and we eat. By the time that movie had finished we changed it into all of The American Horror Story episodes. We were up to episode 3 and there was a horrifing jump scare. It scared me so then I laid down in Luke's lap. After 5 minuites or so I feel a hard lump pressing against me. I realise it and I think he knows that I know. Luke says "I came over to give you a special surprise." I look at Luke with a confused expression "What is it?" I say. "I cant tell you but you have already found a clue..." replies Luke suductivly. I snigger at him  and he notices and sniggers back. He leads me to my bedroom. Now I realise what the suprise is and I am super ready and excited. He pushes me up against the wall kissing me suductivly. I feel his erection getting harder. He starts pulling of his top and then moving on to mine. He unclips my bra and throws me onto the bed. He takes off his jeans and slips off my shorts. "Luke" I moan. He then slips off my panties with nothing but his teeth, now I pull off his Calvin Klein boxers and his large erection jolts out. I flop back down onto the bed and I can feel him going in and out of me. It feels good and  moan even louder now "Luke, Harder, Faster." He does what I say and thrusts inside as fast and as hard as he can. All of a sudden I hear another knock on the door. Luke slowly slips out of me and puts back on his Calvin Klein underware along with his jeans and his top. I get up and put on my clothes still hevily breathing.....

Hey guys, this is my first ever smut... I hope you enjoyed it... Please comment if you have any questions, vote and read <3 RISS xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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