Unrequited Love

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Author notes: a great shout-out to whoever did the amazing artwork above.

Part I
Castiel POV:

The barn was drafty as we stood in it. We found Anna and somehow she was using the protection from the Winchesters. This didn't bother me since that was something that the Winchesters do. They protect others. It was a noble cause but I still couldn't let Anna go after what she has done. She is close enough to be a fallen. It was greatly frowned upon in heaven. She needed to be punished.

Anna looked at Dean with something unrecognizable in her expression. She kissed him. I didn't like it. But why? I don't have emotions. I didn't care who he had relations with. Why did this bother me?

Anna placed her hand on Dean's shoulder right where I left my mark. My sure willpower was the only thing stopping me from yelling, "Stop! Don't touch him where I touched him. It's my special place." But I knew I had no right to say so.

I kept my head bowed. I couldn't watch that play out anymore. It angered me and I didn't know why. I was more baffled that I was having any emotions whatsoever. Something must be wrong with me.

I looked up and to see if they were done showing public affection. But what I got was something else. Dean was looking straight at me. Our eyes locked; my breath hitched. It was like we were staring at each other for hours but only a brief moment passed. I looked away before someone noticed.

The battle began and my focus was clearer than ever. I had to fight the demons and save the Winchesters. Alastair got the upper hand and had me pinned. I was prepared for any battle and in many battles I knew there will always be casualties. I was prepared for my death. As any brave soldier.

Dean swept in and knocked Alastair off my demise. Alastair's focus was off of me and onto Dean. I was grateful for the assistance but I didn't need it. I wasn't going to tell Dean that since he did go out of his way to save me. For some reason this brought a smile to my face. I quickly diminished that. I was an angel after all. I was not suppose to have emotions.

The battle was over quickly and we needed to depart. Or maybe I needed to clear my head of thoughts about Dean. This wasn't ethical for an angel. It was close to blasphemy. I would not go down that road.

A few battles later:

Alastair was dead thanks to Sam. I don't approve of his actions but he was right. Someone else was killing the angels. But I would have never guessed it would be Uriel. He seemed like such a loyal warrior. I didn't know what to think about Anna as well.

Heaven was like a well oiled machine. If everything does it's part perfectly then it will work properly. Everything was in chaos. The apocalypse was starting and I was lost. I usually seek revelations to get order restored within myself. But I didn't want heavens input this time.

I sought out Dean. He was alone in a motel near a small town. I awaited to see if Dean had company before I went to him. I didn't want to interrupt him while he was having intercourse with another female.

"Dean," I stated before I continued.
"Can I speak with you?" I looked around waiting for someone; anyone else in the room. There was no one. "Where's Sam?"

"That's what you came here to talk about? Sam went to take Sharon home," Dean said in a bored tone. I didn't know who that was. "The case we just did...its not important. But there is one thing you can do for me."

"Anything," and I meant it.

"You are in my personal space. Learn boundaries and take a step back." Dean gestured with his hands for me to move back.

"What happens if I stay in your personal space?" I wasn't challenging him; I was generally concerned.

"There's only two reasons someone is in my personal space. First, I'm going to fight whoever is in it. Second, I'm going to have sex with whoever is in it. So, if you don't want to get mixed up in the crossfire; I suggest for you to take a step back." He finished off.

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