Tim x Brian x (Non- binary) Reader (smut and fluff)

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Brian and Tim were sitting on the couch together cuddling cause Brian wanted it. Then Tim hears a knock on the door.

"Baby~ let me go I need too get the door."

"But- but- No." Brian fussed.

Tim grabbed Brian's chin and got close too his ear.

"Brian~ let me go." As Tim hears another knock.

Brian starts sweating and let's go of Tim's waist looking shocked. "Sorry sir."

"That's it." Tim smirks then gets up to get the door.

Tim opens the door to find Y/n standing there. Y/N is Tim and Brian's other partner! (Their poly.)

"Hey babe!" Tim hugs y/n pulling them inside.

Tim turns around too see Brian's not sitting in the spot he was in and seems too have gotten up.

"BRIAN?" Tim says loudly.

No response.

"That's weird let's look around." Y/n suggests.

"Alright but first." Tim pulls out a pack of cigarettes, "Now let's go."

Y/n walks up the stairs of the house Brian and Tim are staying too see the light on in the bathroom. Then Y/n walks up to the bathroom and knocks.

"Brian?~" Y/n says softly

Y/n then hears some shuffling.

"Hey darling I'm just washing my hands I'll be out soon." Brian says from the crack of the door.

Y/n walks away from the door and tells Tim. Tim nods slowly at Y/NS words. Alright...


Tim walks up stairs too the bathroom and puts his ear to the door. Discovering some sort of muffled weird noise (😍😍😍😍)

Tim attempted too open the door.
All Tim could get was it open a crack. It seemed like someone was infront of it.

"T- Agh Tim leave me alone." Brian said in a whimper.

"What are you doing Brian~?"

"N- Nothing." Brian said in a quiet voice.

"If you don't move right now.." Tim said in an angered low voice.

Tim heard a muffled scream but it wasn't persay a scared scream
.. (If y'know). Then Tim heard russling around and zipper noises. Then he opened the door.

"Yeah?" Brian said acting innocent.

Tim chuckled. "You think your smooth. You took a while baby."

Brian covered his face and walked down stairs whilst Tim laughed at him.

Hi! I'm alive 🙄🙄😍😍

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