The Baby's name

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The baby's name is ...

The baby's name is Elijah Miguel Keene. Sam says I like that name and I'm sure Miguel will to. You say yeah we both thought it was a good idea. Then you and Robby look at each other and smile then he kisses your cheek and Elijah's forehead but sadly after the nurses come and take Elijah to where they keep the baby's and everyone except Robby leaves. Robby sits next to you and rubs your hand you say I love you. He says I love you too you should get some rest. You say ok goodnight. He says goodnight. Then he kisses your forehead and you both go to sleep.

A couple weeks later:

You were able to leave the hospital with little baby Elijah and it's getting closer to the tournament and you're getting more and more nervous every day but Robby tells you not to worry he's also been training this kid named Kenny and apparently he's been getting bullied but he's in cobra Kai now. Your parents said that they would let you guys move in again and they've been taking care of your dog Charlie. It was a little awkward and Robby barely talks to my dad but I thanked my parents you were just happy to be off that dojo floor it wasn't comfortable especially since  you were pregnant Robby would ask you if you were fine or he would tell you  to just go to your parents house and leave him if you were but you told him that wouldn't happen. Your grateful for your parents letting you three stay at the house it's better than the floor and you were kind of missing them you just didn't feel like telling him but anyways your parents and your sister loves Elijah and Miguel said he was honored that Elijah had his name as his middle name and thanked you things are still weird between Robby Johnny and Miguel but Miguel's your friend and he's your sisters brother so you still like Miguel.

Today for dinner you're having lasagna dinners are kind of weird with the tension and the tournament coming up but you just want everyone to be happy so you're planning on trying to make everyone talk today. When you finally finish cooking everyone comes in and sits down so you set baby Elijah in his high chair and kiss his forehead then you walk over to Robby and kiss him on his lips he smiles and kisses you back after that he gives Charlie more food and water. Then everyone sits down and starts eating you say so how was everyone's day ? Your dad says we'll even tho me and Johnny aren't working together anymore training went well and I think we might win. Sam says yeah. Robby says training went really good everyone's getting better and working hard and I think we might win. Then he looks at Sam and smirks she rolls her eyes and you say we'll thank you good luck I guess and I'm glad you guys had a good day what about you mom and Anthony? Your mom says it went pretty good. Anthony says it was ok. You say that was good. Robby says what about you babe? Then he puts his arms around your waist and kisses you're cheek you blush and say it's good and I'm glad everyone shared how they're day was today. Then you all finish eating and go you're separate ways.

Night time routine:
After everyone goes to their room or wherever they went you clean up Elijah and put him in his crib then you take Charlie outside and let him back in after that you put Charlie in his cage. You and Robby wash your faces and brush your teeth than you both change into your night time clothes and get under the covers you both have a little make out session Robby say I love you so much. You say I love you a lot too. After that you both kiss and go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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