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mi mariposa.

mi amor.

i'm afraid i can wait for you no longer.

i know not why you left.

was it anger?


was it....

was it a loss of feeling for me?


i think that's it.

you stopped loving me.

you got tired of me and left because you didn't love me anymore.

i can understand if you needed a break but bruno...

it's been years.

years since we last spoke.

our last kiss

our last hug

our last intimate nights

our last anything

when you left

your sisters came to me looking for you

i told them i was unaware of your whereabouts

it rained all week.

i know you'll never read this but

i dont think i can forgive you

im hurt bruno

if you ever come back don't bother looking for me.


cause you left first.

remember that.

in fact

don't remember just that.

remember everything you left behind.

those nights in the forest.

those kisses we shared.

your family.


i hope you're happy now.

i hope you got what you were looking for.

but you lost me.

goodbye, bruno madrigal.

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