⚠️Story 1- Anxiety Attack. [Sun]

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(TW/CW!!: THIS STORY CONTAINS TRIGGERING STUFF, And me not really knowing how to interpret panic attacks into words, so I just did how I think it can go.

(A/N: Ah yes, starting with the Triggering story. How wonderful. Unfortunately, if you skip you'll miss like- 1/2 out of the story, but hey, it's your choice, the rest of the story under the border is just wholesome.)

([Y/N] is Sun's good friend in this.)


In a secret room, hidden and away from the public's eyes.

Muffled sobs can be heard in the distance, one that no one can hear. As they shook, like a leaf in a storm. Covering their mouth to keep anyone from hearing them. There is NO WAY they're gonna let anyone see them like this. Although inside, they wanted someone to know, to help, but there was no one.. All they can do now is to try to calm down.

The dreadful feeling, growing in their stomach. Tears streaming like heavy rain. Breathing unevenly and heavier than anything they can think of. Not that their mind can even think of anything, no. Their mind is scrambled all over the place, so much that they feel like passing out. The panic rose inside their chest, faster than the non-existent winds blowing their hair around.

Their poor heart beats faster the moment their ears hear muffled steps and a soft jiggling with every step they hear. Panicking even more as their sobs become more evident. They shut their blurry eyes completely once they heard a masculine voice. It was as if the voice was calling out to them, trying to help them...




From the perspective of a bright yellow animatronic, he was just cleaning a few messes here and there. Some of the children had left while some stayed, either playing, crafting, or waiting for their parents.

He was just putting back a few scattered crayons and glitter glues when he noticed a noise. A noise that only he picked up and no other. He looked around searching for the source of the noise. 'The kids are all having fun...then where- Oh.' He thought as he realized.

The Sun skipped quietly to a particular room, not wanting to startle whoever is inside. He let out a soft gasp as he peeked to see. " [Y/N]..? " The youngling he so cared about..was trying their hardest to shut their mouth as tears fell down their cheeks. He looked at them with sympathy as he went to sit with them to help them calm down.

[Y/N] immediately tensed up, seeing a very familiar blur of colors. " Shh, it's all going to be alright.. I'm here, I can and will protect you. " The blur spoke. They hesitantly inched towards the blur, looking up at them with bloodshot, teary eyes. The Sun animatronic frowned slightly looking at their messy face, trying to remember how to calm them down.

" [Y/N], can you show me 3 body parts you can move? " He asked, as [Y/N] complied showing them body parts they can move, albeit very shakily. " Goody, now can you tell me 2 colors you can see? " he asked again. " Brown.. " as [Y/N] looked at the cold wood floor, " A-And yellow... " They continued, looking at the celestial figure. Sun smiled slightly, as [Y/N]'s shaking decreased. " 1 thing that you can hear? " He asked last. "Your V-Voice.." They replied as they both chuckled bitterly.

[Y/N] stayed quiet, trying to settle down their breathing. However, the more they try to focus on their breathing, the more the panic rushes back. Sun noticed this quickly and helped them. "A-Alright, let's breathe together, shall we? In and out. " Sun instructed (although he's an animatronic- Do animatronics breathe??). With the help of Sun, [Y/N]'s breathing soon becomes slower- and normal. Sun sighed (somehow) in relief, he was glad you're finally back to normal.


Sun looks around for a specific item. Spinning his body into a 110-degree angle. Near the colorful cushions, sits a small cardboard box. He reached for the box and opened it to see tissues. Sun looks back at [Y/N] and said " May I clean your face? It'll make you feel better. " Sun requests holding a tissue. They only did a curt nod, but that was enough for him. Sun gently wiped their tears and sweats and swept their hair to the sides of their face.

[Y/N] looked up to see the Sun's face, his face didn't have as much joy as he always does, but he was still smiling. They merely scooted closer, wanting a hug. Before they even reach an inch, Sun already knew what they wanted and hugged them. The hug is warm and soothing. Before they even realize it, they are back to normal. Both of them are content and enjoying the moment.

After a few minutes they decided to speak up, " Sun? " they called. " Yes, Friend? " he responded. " We should go back, the kids must be looking for you.. And, I'm not sure how Moon is holding up with the kids all by himself. " Sun merely giggled and replied, " I'm sure he's a-okay! Plus, it'll be like a practice for him to be more used to younglings! " [Y/N] sweatdropped, remembering about Gregory's experience and a specific message (where someone said that both the Sun and Moon are scaring the children? I think there was one idk).

" But sure, we can go back! " continued Sun. They both soon make their way back to the Daycare. Upon entering the Daycare, they were met with an annoyed Moon animatronic sitting in a slumped position, sprinkled with paper, crafts, toys, crayons/pencil drawings, and glitters. He only looked at Sun, dead in the eyes, before saying, " I don't understand how you manage these kids all by yourself without getting at least annoyed. " Moon then spit out some confetti paper while getting up. Sun giggled, clearly amused by his opposite's suffering. " Hihi! I'm also not quite sure how, but here I am, happy to play with all of them! " He exclaimed excitedly. Moon just slowly walked away, most likely going to clean up.

" Well then, let's play friends! " Sun said, happy that he will be playing with the children and you!


(A/N: Oh geez, this is LONG. 1.000+ words??? GODDAMM, THAT'S A RECORD. Thanks for reading the first story, I hope this wasn't so bad. Especially the Panic Attack part- Also, this was not proofread, I have never done that actually-)

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