Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

I was suprised when Destiny took my hand, i thought she would just get up her self. i helped her up the steps cause Liam the genius he is threw her in the truck and messed up her ankle, im suprised she didnt say anything yet.

" Ouch." destiny said as she walked up the stairs. " whats wrong?" i asked pretending that i dont know what's wrong. " I guess when i was running last night i sprand my ankle." she said rubbing her face like someone hit her. "what happened last night?" I asked

"Well i was dared to kiss this boy at a party and i did. my boyfriend Derek saw and he got mad a slapped me. Derek has always been over protective you could say but who cares. " now that her face was in the light i could see the mark this boy Derek had left on her face. it was a black and blue hand print it looked really bad on this gorgeous girl, how could he do suck a thing to her all she did was kiss a boy no harm done. Now she is stuck with a hand print on her face.

I went to touch it and i stopped when she flinched. i didnt wanna scare her away, or hurt her. " why dont we go up stairs now." i said as i turned around to walk up the steps.

Destiny's POV

When me and Niall got up stairs i saw the back of 4 peoples heads. They where all talking but i didnt know what about. At first i was alittle scared to walk over to them in till a pair of beautiful green eyes meet mine. i couldnt help but smile as Niall lead me over to where the other boys where, for a moment i almost forgot i was kidnapped.

The boy with green eyes patted the open spot me to him i guess wanting me to sit me to him but i rejected him and sat at the end of the coach. I didnt want to say anything or even make eye contact with these boy or my kiddnappers so i just sat there with my head down, hugging my knees, not saying a word.

We sat there in complete silence for about five minutes in till I decided to speak up. " why am I here?" I questioned still not looking at any of them.

The one with the green eyes and curly hair said " because me, louis and zayn dared niall to kidnap someone."

There was so many questions going through my head right now i could barely even think. "why would u dare someone to do that. think about all the people that care about me and love me. i have a family to i hope you know that!" I practically yelled "I'm sorry for yelling i didnt mean to its just i-i dont even know-" i was cut off by Niall saying "it's okay, love we wont hurt you."


Thanks so much for reading this book dont forget to vote, comment what u think and please continue to read i know it maybe boring now but ill get this storying more interesting in a couple more chaptets. hope u liked it comment what ypu think. if you want me to add anything to the story feel free to message me. Love ya guys 💜😘

~ Kabrina

Kidnapped by the one and only One DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora