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Kibutsuji Muzan had never been one for material desires. He didn't have any need for the things disgustingly, weak humans considered a necessity.


It irked him to his core, made him want to throw up every morsel in his body and crush every annoying ant which crawled those cities and villages.

Kibutsuji saw that gross, ideological love first hand almost everyday while blending in as a human. Ladies with eyes full of admiration, cheeks painted prettily in hues of soft pinks - men with inflated egos trying to impress the woman who clung tightly by their side.

However all Muzan saw was a blind facade of the brain's deepest needs - painting this pretty picture of the perfect person before you, when in reality the one who you 'love' really isn't as good as a person you thought them to be. Just your mind playing petty tricks on you.

The demon king considered himself a god, the woman whom posed as his wife in the human realm was so... utterly and disgustingly consumed by love for him that he found it repulsive.

Of corse every human being should bow down to him, they were weaker and are only valuable for food; it was only natural that they should worship him.

That's why... Tanjiro Kamado.

That night when he saw the small boy with hanafuda earrings, his grip strong on Muzan's shoulder. Such a look of rage, no fear evident on his face. That only changed when he turned around to show the infant in his arms.

Did yorrichi come back to haunt him? Why did this teenager have a strikingly, eerie resemblance to the demon slayer who almost killed him many moons ago. Even the spiked red hair and eyes were a carbon copy.


Kibutsuji felt nothing but disgust as he remembered the boy. He saw him as a threat, an immediate one at that.

Tanjiro Kamado needed to die. This task wasn't just anything he could entrust any demon to complete, he'd take it up in his own hands to eradicate this haunting reminder of the most skilled demon slayer in history.

Kibutsuji still had the scars to remind him of the night Yorrichi hunted him down with such skill and agility it was terrifying; leaving nasty scars on his perfect body which never fully healed. A result of his 'sun breathing'.

Muzan felt his blood boil with anger at the memory.

On his mind only one thing;

Hunt Tanjiro Kamado.

Torture Tanjiro Kamado.

Kill Tanjiro Kamado.

Muzan had dismissed his fake human family a while ago, they were no use to him now that his cover was blown. So he chose to stay at a different household in his child form - making up the stupid excuse he had a 'skin disease' to not go in the sunlight.

In the mean time Kibutsuji occupied himself with books. Many of them. The family seemed to accommodate a library with was indeed useful.

It was nightfall. So Muzan opened the window, the fresh nightly air hitting his childly cheeks; the moon's glow showering his pale, sickly skin.

Jumping down off the balcony, the demon Lord landed in a dark alleyway which lead to one of the cities markets.

Instantly he was repulsed to see two drunken idiots kissing against the walls. Muzan snarled inwardly and kept his composure, silently walking past them with a deep breath.

'I don't want to bloody my clothes..' was his thoughts as he left the two drunks, luckily still with their lives.

The demon Lord found himself as expected in one of the cities most popular markets, full with many annoying ants and golden lanterns lighting up their disgusting smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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